Emotional Health: Tap into the subconscious | Understanding the moon, evolutionary Astrology

The moon represents the instinctive, instinctual side of our nature, developed over many lifetimes. It reflects our past experiences around emotions, mothering, and the way we nurture ourselves. It Symbolises deeply ingrained patterns, some of which will be your own and others that will be inherited through your family. Learning to handle emotions is one of the basic lessons for everyone who incarnates on the earth.

The karmic light of the moon

We all have in our natal chart have a moon placement in one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Getting to know our moon keys us into our karmic past. This is our inbuilt emotional patterning. So, our moon sign represents the instinctive approach that each one of us will take, especially on the emotional, feeling level. This can be very different from our more rational, sun-sign approach to life and explains why so many people feel that sun sign characteristics are not “me”, as the moon is a much deeper part of ourselves, and can cause us to act in irrational and unreasoning ways. It relates to habits and instincts brought forward from other lives: ingrained reactions that bypass your conscious mind and come straight from the subconscious. These habits and instinctual reactions may have built up over countless lives and are difficult to change.
Although we will never grow out of our moon sign, we are trying to evolve out of the automatic emotional reaction of the moon, to become more conscious of the choices and responses available to us rather than reacting blindly in the way we have done for lifetimes.



The earth is where we work to find emotional balance. It is the only place where we can hide our emotions, on other planes of being, emotions are clearly visible through the light body that acts as a vehicle for the soul. Understanding the hidden drives of our emotions can be a lives-long task, especially when they are different from our sun sign needs, even more so if we have repressed our emotional needs in other lives, or lived totally from those emotions. We need our emotions in order to fully live, we need to experience them, not be submerged in or taken over by them.

How much we submerged in feelings and emotions depends on where our moon is placed. How much we are taken over by our moon depends on how strongly our moon overcomes our sun sign. Some sun signs are strong, dominant, and positive. They resist the pull of the moon. Other sun signs are negative, passive, and reflective. These signs find it hard to push against the instinctual tides of the moon. However, the moon may be in a passive and reflective sign, yet it can still be powerful enough at times to overcome the urges of the most assertive of sun signs. This is because emotions have the full power of the unconscious mind behind them and the lives that preceded the present one.
Emotions can erupt from the depths of our being with great force. It all depends on the strength of the stimulus, and how strongly it triggers any emotional baggage we may carry over from another life.


The moon also shows us what we need to nature and comfort ourselves at the deepest level. It has to do with security and nourishment. The place where we find comfort will hark back to another life. The lunar food that nurtures us may be something we lacked in the past and yearned for. It may also be something that has always brought us contentment. It is what we need to live or believe we need. Its strength comes out of the past and grasping for this kind of nourishment may in fact hold us back from our soul’s purpose. Recognizing lunar needs helps us to regulate them: fulfilling what is really needful and dropping those that restrict our progress.

Moon, the Mother

The moon shows the expectations we have developed around the whole mothering image: what we need to make ourselves feel mothered and secure, how our mother behaved in the past, the kind of behavior we expect or crave, from our mother now. This is an archetypal pattern reflected through the moon. Our mother in the present life may not actually be anything like this on the surface and yet a mother plays out the archetypal roles throughout the person's life.
The archetypal image of the mother is subtle and rarely fully conscious. We will notice what your other lives have programmed to expect “bad” mothering, as a baby our mother might have run to answer your every cry. But on that one occasion, she was held up, we would think to ourselves,” there, I knew it, she didn’t come. She is a bad mother”. Gradually we learn to adapt our expectations, but the image still lurks in the lunar depths.

Ancestral inheritance

The moon can point to what is inherited through the family. This may be carried by DNA or through the emotional ambiance of the family. Many families have taboo subjects or feelings, that are never expressed. Anger, for instance, may be repressed. It is cozier “ not nice”. Other families play out particular emotions or roles. There may be a surfeit of guilt, an emphasis on serving the community, or other manifestations. We chose our family precisely because these are issues our soul has been working on. By coming into that particular family the soul trait is reiterated so that we have to deal with it.


Jeffrey Wolf Green- Evolutionary Astrology
Deva Green
The astrology podcast


I am not a certified astrologer reader, please always do your own research on the subject and take in only what resonates with you. I am a student of astrology for life and I love sharing what I learn along the way.

Let me know if you all would like a moon overview in each sign. I am very happy to do and share.

Thanks for reading, supporting, and being here.

Astrology along with a daily yoga practice has been my pilar to reach inner peace and emotional balance, through studying my natal chart mainly the moon and its nodes I have been able to reduce suffering, agitation, confusion, and understand the challenges I face. I always struggled with uncomfortable emotions, being around other people and busy places use to be a nightmare for me, but thanks to yoga, meditation, breathwork, and astrology, I have been able to understand, accept, and break toxic emotional cycles and patterns.

Bye for now
love, light, and blessings :)

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