"Quod Cinguloque" plants for the most potent skin diseases


How are you friends naturalmedicine? It's been a few weeks I haven't greeted you all, it's because of my busy life in the real world. This time we will discuss about the gelinggang of the leaves for skin health.

Gelinggang is a type of herbal medicinal plant that grows in Indonesian forests. Gelinggang leaves are medicinal plants that are beneficial for skin health. The gelinggang plant has a Latin name, namely in Quod Cinguloque. This ring plant actually has many health benefits, both from stems, fruit and leaves. This bracelet has beautiful flowers.

In Indonesia, this bracelet is sold at a pretty fantastic price. Gelinggang leaves are highly sought after in Indonesia because they are used as ingredients for making medicine.

The benefits of the leaves are for skin health

Gelinggang leaves are common in Aceh used for skin medicine. this plant really proved effective. The fiber from the leaves of the Gelinggang is very useful and effective in curing skin diseases. Gelinggang leaves can cure skin diseases such as scabies, smallpox, chicken pox, and itching. However, the benefits of the most popular leaves are as ringworm medicine.

Gelinggang leaves are widely used in the manufacture of medicine or herbal medicine. Some are boiled and the water is used as medicine. This plant does have many health benefits that I don't know about, if you know, you can share with us in the comments column.

Serving method

To be used as a skin medicine, the process is very easy. We don't need to boil or anything like that. In Aceh, we only use it by rubbing the leaves of the ring on the itchy skin or ringworm area.

After that, let it dry, but the leaves have a slight pungent smell, but this is very effective.
Alright all naturalmrdicine friends. Hopefully this post is useful. Continue to share kindness so the world can benefit from you.

See you again...!

About Author:

Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. Besides that I am a community founder, such as; FOKUS and KOPI HITAM. This is a community that focuses on the education of minors. I am also part of the humanitarian community, namely BMU, KSL and several other communities. this is a community of young people who care about education and humanity.
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. Because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.