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Welcome To My First Container Garden In The New Flat !



It´s been a while since I posted here, we now live in another district after giving-up our house and garden last Summer. It was a lot of work relocating and even until now, we are not done yet with unboxing of things for the house. We have a smaller space now trimming down from 4 to 2 bedrooms and that is good so. Since we are now retired and of advanced age, my husband and I decided to move for health reasons. We could no longer maintain the house plus the garden.

I am not new to container gardening since I practiced it in the former house. Although we had a garden, I could not plant anything downstairs because of the slugs, so I had my veggies planted in containers up on the top terrace. I posted about it here.

The status of the container garden as of today...

My space now is limited in the balcony, so I chose containers that are not so huge. When I started planting last April, the status of the newbies were not that great since we have had cold weather and even snow and I couldn´t leave them outside. Normally, Spring is a good season to replant newbies..

I have had my first lettuce harvest last week and made green salad adding the chives and store bought cherry tomatoes. You can see below the state of my lettuce about a month ago, they weren´t that healthy but I tried to replant them in these containers below...

I thought these lettuce won´t survive, but I still tried and was just hoping. The onions were planted in strawberry boxes that I have gathered. I never meant to make the onions grow big because I simply want the leaves for my green salad as well as for the soup.

After about 4 weeks I have harvested and cut the leaves, they are still growing even if cut, so I will have chives the whole Summer. The good thing is I can always plant anew the salad is already saved for some months and harvest them so crispy and fresh.

The zucchini newbie I got the other day has to be replanted as well as a 2nd eggplant. I only need to buy soil since I have used the last sack this afternoon.

I also have 1 beefsteak tomato, I had this variety before and they are really huge. I remember I read about this one being used for Burgers in a bun. I also have 2 cherry tomatoes and I have pinched this afternoon some of the unwanted parts below and also pruned the suckers so the main stems would grow stronger and bear many flowers.

This is an elongated type of pepper, It is a sweet variety. I harvest them at their green stage too and if I would like it sweeter, then I let them become red before harvest.

The three tomatoes above... the first two on the left are cherry tomatoes and to the right is the Beefsteak type.

The Raspberry Sucker....

I have repotted the Raspberry below which I took from my potted raspberry from the old house in a 60 liter container. This is one of two suckers that have roots, I gave one to my new neighbor since they have a garden downstairs. I also added the lettuce newbies in the raspberry container. They won´t steal the space of the raspberry bush since they grow so fast and I could harvest them earlier if I need some for my salad.

That´s all for now, I will update on their status next time!

All images in this post were photographed using Huawei Pro lite
and all images are owned by @mers

GIF credits - @gremayo