Sleeping On The Floor : My Experience

I revert to Sleeping on the floor despite hating it once. I was sleeping on the floor pretty much from late 2017 to 2019 when I ditched my mattress and before buying new one. I saw many people doing that and some of them even looked like as if they are enlightened after sleeping on the floor. I hated sleeping on the floor because I got back ache and was too tired of working but here I am once again.
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So, Why do I go back sleeping on the floor?

I realized that I have not been feeling well-rested from the last two weeks. Despite having a proper mattress, my quality of sleep was low. I constantly woke up feeling like I had a rough workout despite I didn't. I was also constantly sleeping in the AM instead PM. It was rough weeks especially that it affected my quality of life, work, and relationship.

I woke up with body ache every morning and feeling sluggish.

I only started sleeping on a decent mattress a few months ago - when I could afford buying one. It was quite an okay experience. My quality of sleep has not changed and nothing seems to have improved. But there's one thing that I noticed was different, since it's cozy, I was always wanting to nap. A little slumber here and there. It was okay until I became lazier.

Then, I try to remember once again, a practice I once did

Sleeping on the floor. I remember the days when I was sleeping on the floor, I felt more productive and spend lesser time on my sleeping area. It's only logical because it takes time to set up the futon and one can't jump in just like that.

However, from my experience...

I am not going to do it for too long. Since previously, it gave me back problems too and I missed the feeling of having a matress. But I do enjoy the perks of being more productive especially these days. Personally, it's good to have variations because that's just the way things work in my life. I enjoy variations from time to time, trying different ways to live my life.

If there's a health benefit to this, I am not sure. I feel Okay waking up and not feeling body ache. It was easier to stretch as well but that's it. The other benefit I get is feeling more productive and not tempted to have little nap or lounging on my bed with my phone.
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