Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants and Processing Methods As Herbal Medicines.


Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants and Processing Methods As Herbal Medicines.

Aloe vera is a plant originating from Arabia, this plant has very thick fleshy leaves, the leaves and flesh of this plant are also green. Aloe vera plant has the Latin name Aloe Vera, this plant is very good for health as an herbal plant.

Usually the aloe vera plant is processed as an herbal medicine for human health, but it turns out that this plant has other benefits for human health.

Aloe vera plant turns out to be very good for body health or nourish hair, aloe vera has skin and latex. Latex contains a compound called aloin, the flesh of the fruit which contains a lot of amino acids, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory.

Because it is in addition to the content of amino acids, vitamins that function to help nourish hair. Aloe vera concoction to fertilize hair the way is 2 tablespoons of aloe vera that has been blended, yes, about 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons is equivalent to thirty milli or to taste. Depending on the size of the head of the hair, then mixed with shallots, this shallot also has the active nutrient content of sulfur. Sulfur serves to strengthen hair roots, I don't recommend it for babies, it's better if candlenut babies are safer to use.

Then it is applied to the hair, you have already applied it to the scalp and the hair is left for 30 minutes and then rinsed, once this survey is carried out how many times a week, how long to sit and let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash it as usual.

This aloe vera leaf plant can relieve stomach acid, the aloe vera plant contains anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory also serves to reduce stomach acidity. so it really works for gastritis or gastric wounds but because it also has the effect of accelerating wound healing.

How to make a concoction to overcome digestive disorders in the stomach, especially using aloe vera, use only 20 ML aloe vera, use about 20 milliliters of white aloe, then blend until smooth, remove all the skin, which has been removed, wash thoroughly until clean.

Aloe vera plant is able to reduce ulcer symptoms, with ingredients that aloe vera juice can regulate lower stomach acid. Having anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve symptoms, besides this aloe vera plant can actually help treat burns.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat minor burns and relieve pain. The processing method is very simple, first clean the aloe vera plant, then we take the jelly part, so when the skin is burned, paste or smear the jelly over the wound.

Aloe vera plant is also able to overcome the problem of acne on the human face, this is because the plant has antimicrobials that are able to eliminate acne. The method of processing this plant to get rid of acne is very simple and easy, you take the contents of aloe vera and make it as a face mask, use it twice a day, then the problem of acne on the face will be resolved. In addition, aloe vera masks are also able to prevent premature aging, moisturize the skin, and remove dead skin cells.

Aloe vera plant contains antioxidants, calcium, sodium, magnesium, glucose, folate, vitamins A, B, C, and E. Aloe vera also contains essential amino acids. With the many nutritional content it has, it is what makes aloe vera a good herbal plant for the body.

However, if we consume aloe vera plant in excess, it will cause side effects in the body. The side effects can cause diarrhea, and digestive tract problems.





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