My black garlic failed miserably

Two and a half weeks ago I posted about making black garlic. I've never had them before, but they sounded so delicious and were absolutely dead easy to make. You just need patience and wait three weeks which is today. Last week I decided to check on my garlic just to make sure all is going well. This is what they look like, not much different from my last peek on day 2.

I removed one clove to check the texture. According to the internet, it was supposed to be soft and jelly like. To my horror, it was light and rock hard!!! They had dehydrated!!

Bummer!!! My black garlic had failed. My rice cooker is a large industrial grade one and I was always a bit worried that it might be a bit too powerful than the normal domestic smaller ones. Seems like my worry wasn't totally unfounded. There was no point in keeping them in the rice cooker anymore. I removed the whole lot and wondered what to do with them. They're not edible in its current form, I mean they're so hard I couldn't even break into them.

Then I thought, if they're so hard, why not grind them into powder!! I quickly searched the internet for black garlic failure, and sure enough, that's what people do in my situation. I managed to avert a total disaster!

Here are 5 bulbs of garlic, I don't have a grinder or blender at home and had to use my rolling pin instead. The rolling pin is a bit bruised and dented now as I had to bash the garlic first before I could roll over them. They're not as fine as I would like them to be, but that will do. I've used them a few times already to marinate meat and to add to the gravy. The flavour isn't as strong as I thought it would be, and I have to add quite a few teaspoonfuls, other than that it's not bad for a near failure.

I've split the rest into four lots and gifted them to my siblings as I promised to share my black garlic for them to try. Now they can try black garlic powder first, while I'm going to do a second batch later this week.


And now to the results of my PUD guessing game, to guess how many bulbs of black garlic I had in my rice cooker. The answer is ..... 27

We have two winners this month they are @lizelle and @sanjeevm. Congratulations!!! You will share the 20 Hive prize pool, I'll be sending 10 Hive over to each of you. And thanks to everyone who entered this month, I really appreciate it, and I hope you will join in again next month.

@lizelle (joint winner)27
@sanjeevm (joint winner)27

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