Turmeric potion for mothers after childbirth !! is it true that turmeric is an antidote to covid19?

hi traditional medicine lover. don't forget to take care of your health from an early age. we still have a lot of nutritious green plants. take advantage of it immediately.
This post is for the Challenge of 10 Indonesian herbal plants. In this case I invite @nurviana @rifki1 to participate.


A lover of natural medicine must know and understand very well about the turmeric plant. because the turmeric plant has long been used as a home remedy by our ancestors to treat and prevent various types of diseases. Turmeric, which is often used as a cooking spice with a distinctive taste, has a chemical compound called curcumin which is believed by our society to prevent and even be very effective in curing various types of diseases. hence turmeric is very easy to obtain in our area. Many of our people, especially housewives, cultivate turmeric plants in the yard, even though it is only 2 stems. like the one in this photo. This turmeric plant belongs to our family back home. My mother used to take the fruit and leaves to cook. so we don't have to buy it.


here turmeric is also often used as a natural yellow dye for food and cakes. However, turmeric is not just for flavor enhancing dishes. Turmeric can be processed into a healthy drink concoction. Turmeric can be processed into drinks such as tea or bottled drinks.

Consuming turmeric regularly can be beneficial for the health of the body. Turmeric contains various substances and vitamins that are good for the body. Starting from anti-inflammatory, cancer prevention, to postpartum. everything can be obtained by regularly drinking turmeric water. But in this post I focus on the benefits of postpartum turmeric. why am I interested in discussing this. the answer is in accordance with the current conditions and situation of our family. we just had our third child. and from generation to generation our extended family has used turmeric as a herb for puerperium herlbal.

why is turmeric the choice of our family after giving birth?

  • because of the legacy of our ancestors.
  • has proven its efficacy.
  • cost effective.
  • turmeric can be obtained from your own business and garden.
    before we discuss the benefits of turmeric after giving birth, it's good if we first look at the nutritional content of turmeric. whether turmeric is suitable for use as medicine after childbirth according to logic and science.

The main content of turmeric is :

  1. kurkuminoid
    Curcuminoids have a prismatic crystalline or short stem, form emulsion or insoluble in water, but curcumin can easily dissolve in acetone, ethanol, methanol, benzene, and chloroform.
    Curcuminoids and their derivatives, namely demethoxicurcumin and bismidexicurcumin in turmeric plants have concentrations ranging from 3% to 5%..
    Curcuminoids are what give this plant a yellow and orange color.

2.essential oil
The essential oil in turmeric has a percentage of 2.5% to 6.0%. The essential oil in turmeric is divided into components of artumerone, tumerol, alpha atlanton, beta clairofilen, linalol, and borneol.

Curcuminoids and essential oils have roles as antioxidants, anti-tumor, and anti-cancer. Antioxidants are compounds that can counteract free radical compounds. Curcuminoids are reported to be powerful antioxidants and have 8 times the antioxidant power of vitamin E.
In addition to the 2 main ingredients in the form of curcuminoids and essential oils, turmeric also has several other compounds such as:

  • Calories
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B6

analysis of the suitability of turmeric as a drug after childbirth.

  • After giving birth, the immune system is likely to decline, plus the energy that has been drained during childbirth.
    Turmeric has antiviral, antibacterial and magnesium properties so it can fight infections well.

  • The problem faced by postpartum mothers is mastitis or inflammation that occurs in the breast.
    Turmeric can prevent mastitis because in turmeric it contains strong anti-inflammatory substances and contains high fatty acids which can help prevent swollen and clogged breast tissue that can lead to mastitis.

  • postpartum causes physical exhaustion and is often a psychological burden. Not to mention the many changes a mother has to face. This is what is then at risk for depression after childbirth.
    Consumption of turmeric can help relieve depression because of its calming content and can act as a natural antidepressant.

  • Indirectly, turmeric is also known to help stimulate postpartum milk production. This is because breast milk has healing properties and has a comfortable effect on the body.
    This is a crucial factor that can affect the amount of breast milk. Historically, a number of cultures in society have believed in this and have found it helpful.

  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy or childbirth often cause various skin problems, such as acne or hyperpigmentation. for mothers who have this problem, consumption of turmeric might help. Turmeric is thought to be able to relieve skin problems such as hyperpigmentation and can also make skin look cleaner.
    Turmeric can help treat stretch marks because it contains antioxidants that can increase the function of skin cell membranes

  • Many conditions of the body have changed since pregnancy, including the mother's digestive system. It is not uncommon for digestive and metabolic conditions to be slower than normal.
    Turmeric can help digestion remain in good condition, minimize gas, and bloating.

Here's how to make it.
5 turmeric rhizomes
1 tablespoon honey
2 glasses of water
How to make:
1. The turmeric is peeled and then.
2. washed thoroughly
3. Cut the turmeric into small pieces
4. Boil turmeric in 2 cups of water for
30 minutes. After boiling, remove.
from heat and chill
5. Strain into a glass
6. Drink as much as half a glass with
the addition of honey as much as.
7. Drink regularly 2 times a day for
maximum results.

Besides that. Currently it is still the Covid-19 period. In this case our family still keeps their distance and consumes turmeric for endurance. Not to anticipate contracting the corona virus but to increase endurance.

The reason we are consuming turmeric during this pandemic is because it contains metabolites. This compound is a natural ingredient in the form of curcumin. The curcumin contained in turmeric can increase one's endurance. This content will activate white blood cells in the body so that the immune system increases. Curcumin also has various potential therapies such as antibiotics, antivirals, antioxidants, anticancer, and for the treatment of diseases.

To get maximum durability, we pack turmeric in the form of herbal medicine with a combination of other quality ingredients.

  • Turmeric.
  • Palm sugar.
  • galangal.
  • tamarind.
  • water
  • Salt.
  • honey.
    How to make
    clean turmeric, galangal and tamarind, wash it by watering it.
    blender of turmeric and galangal. but don't be subtle.
    heat the water to a boil in a saucepan. add turmeric and galangal. wait 5 minutes.
    enter palm sugar and tamarind.
    Turn down the heat. Wait for about 15 minutes. then add salt to taste.
    do not forget to filter. and added honey before drinking.



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By @latifah1

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