This entire lockdown was a total hoax

“We have yet to find someone who would have supported a six-month lockdown, the loss of millions of jobs and the loss of thousands of lives to suicide, depression and poverty, had they known that the death toll would be about the same as a bad flu season and amount to around 4% of the total deaths for 2020.”

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Whether you believed it or not, the figures are out and the statistics now clearly show that the lockdown we have been placed under, was a total farce and the pandemic was fake. The stats speak for themselves, at least here in my country of South Africa.

It turns out that the government and perhaps all governments around the world, were fed flawed covid models. Their appears to have been an ulterior agenda. Some might say it was Agenda 21. Whatever it was, it was a con imposed upon the presidents of the world’s nations, demanding that they impose lockdown for 6 months.

Here we are 6 months later, and independent actuaries, lawyers and economists are providing empirical data to show that the projections were way off, totally overrated. As a result, we shut down the economy, crashed the economy in fact, and pushed millions of the poorest deeper into poverty, while destroying the middle class and small to medium businesses. And these are the bedrock of your economy because they are the ones employing the mass of people.

It was too much for too long. This clearly shows that the real agenda was a globalist one from the NWO elite who have a plan to crash the global economy and bring in the next level of the Orwellian agenda - to rob civilization of our freedom, so that they can tighten their grip on us as their slave herd. This is it guys. This is the takeover of civilization by the elite who want us all enslaved like China.

Proof is the covid App that we are all now required to use, showing where we are, who we associate with and our every move. And if they chose, then they can limit our freedom of movement too, and prevent us form using local facilities, all under the guise of a virus scare which, as I started by saying, is fake, based on fake stats and false models. It is a scam folks, it is the big con of the century.

I can say that here because this platform is built upon the principles of free speech, but anywhere else I may be banned. So this last vestige of freedom, namely free speech, is left to me to call out this scam for what it is – a globalist NWO plot to enslave the entire world population.

I will refuse the covid App as long as I can. I know the virus is a fake pandemic. There is no pandemic. It is a lie. The stats prove it right now. So this entire covid App to track and trace us is also unnecessary. If they force you to use it, then you know that it’s goodbye freedom of movement.

Either you go down like a good sheep, or like me, you rise up fighting for your freedom. It’s up to you, and now is the time to choose. Do you blindly follow your government when they dictate to you based on fake stats or false models, or do you speak out for truth and freedom? Well I call out the government and the NWO behind them as fake and criminal. I will die fighting them if needed, and I will resist the covid App. Who do you plan to follow?

(image pixabay)

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