Accessing the truth of our origins and identity from the ancient texts

Modern science today is coming to the same conclusion presented in the ancient wisdom of past civilizations – that we are all connected. We all originate from the same source. Life comes from life. Intuitively we understand these concepts. Temporary schools of thought may come and go over time, distorting the narrative in the minds of society for a few generations, but objective analysis has brought us back to our original conclusions. We are one family, the human race. Even more than that, consciousness pervades all life, and all life is an external expression of the same original source.

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This is presented as a philosophical conclusion of the ancient, perhaps oldest sacred texts on the planet, namely the Vedas of ancient India. There are diverse cultures and writings from varying periods in human history, but the Vedas appear to be the oldest and most detailed, written in Sanskrit, the source language of most Indo-European languages.

If you want to know the truth, it’s best to go to the source. Add to that as much cutting edge modern technological insights and you will come to a similar conclusion. There were times in history when the leading thinkers of the day – scientists specifically – may have known only half the picture or may have actually been biased or shadowed by religionists or politicians with ulterior agendas. These leaders deliberately or unknowingly may have led the masses astray with incomplete or fraudulent information for selfish ends.

Such ignorance and deception can occur at any time in history in fact, even today, as we see regarding the current world health situation, or political intrigue. Therefore we cannot always trust scientists, doctors or experts because we see that they are themselves controlled and their narrative is distorted. When our leading thinkers and educators are compromised in this way, we need to look to the ancient texts for reference to find correlation and confirmation, with discernment.

In the past centuries we were told certain truths which later were discovered to be wrong. Sometimes it was the religion of the day that deliberately hid the truth. Galileo struggled to tell the world that we were not the center of the universe. Historians struggled against the church when trying to date the origin of life and the creation. However, that was only in our particular western historical social construct. The ancient Vedic texts have been saying the same truths since time immemorial, regarding the facts with which science today concurs.

For example earth has existed for far longer than we can imagine or speculate. Life on earth and in fact vastly superior civilized society, has existed on this planet and others for millions of years. Archaeologists are finding more and more evidence of these facts today. Take the pyramids and sphinx of Egypt. Initially scholars speculated that they were about 3500 years old. But today further insight has shown that the sphinx was weathered by many years of water from rain, and as we know there was no such rain in Egypt in history. Unless we go back much further.

As a result, the conclusions today by scholars indicate that the sphinx was around for about 12000 years, perhaps more, and that the pyramids were built at a different time altogether. And we still have no idea how such a monument of constructive genius was ever built. We can’t even build those pyramids today, with all our engineering skills. We don’t know how. Yet some ancient civilization built them thousands of years ago. These monuments in Egypt are just one example of proof that we have existed in vastly more civilized ways than any historian has ever told us, until now.

Similarly, there are pyramid structures of similar engineering skill all over the planet, on every continent, alluding to the fact that the entire planet was populated by cultures with greater refinement and knowledge than we have ever given them credit for. Our history is shrouded in mystery. Now using these examples, we can extrapolate that we don’t really know our past conclusively. Therefore when we read the ancient Vedic texts and hear about civilizations that lived 5000 years ago or much more, who had skills that we cannot even imagine, we may have once taken it as myth. But today we can no longer ignore them so dismissively.

In fact the Vedas tell us how advanced civilizations existed not only 5000 years ago but hundreds of thousands of years ago already on this planet. Today science will agree that our planet has gone through several huge ice ages, occurring every 12000 years or so. The obvious conclusion is that each ice age wipes out much of the past culture for vast swathes of time. Once the ice age recedes, whomever is left on the planet then resumes their development from a lesser level of development, having potentially lost the wisdom of the past.

These are just some examples in science and history to show how there is more going on than we realize, and that our teachers can often be wrong, and thirdly that the Vedas of ancient India appear to reveal truths more profound than we can imagine. As a result of being indoctrinated by less conscious schools of thought in the modern historical frameworks over the past 2000 years, we have been misguided and thus can’t accept the conclusions of the Vedas so easily. Science and religion have both obscured the truth in their own way in our historical past.

Nevertheless, the Vedas of ancient India have vast information regarding our historic ancestors, their technological skills, their social culture and their philosophical understanding of life, the universe and everything. Now that cultural boundaries have been dissolved in recent history, we have access to these texts of knowledge, and we can more readily accept them, without superstition or intellectual arrogance.

And in these Vedic Sanskrit texts there is information that describes how we are all connected, how we all originate from the same source. In other words all life is to be respected as part and parcel of the same family. Certainly all humans are part and parcel of one family, and share an identical origin in consciousness. This and more can be found in Bhagavad Gita and the vast Sanskrit literatures of the Vedas. Now that they have been translated into our vernacular from the ancient Sanskrit, they are there to inform us of our true nature. Therefore I recommend finding out your roots, your origins and your true identity by reading the Bhagavad Gita if you want to know the truth of reality and what is really going on.

(image from pixabay remixed by me)

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