(Edited on Canva)

I was experiencing a hard cough with an itchy throat for days and it's kinda disturbing especially when I'm talking to someone or when I went outside. I took medicine for my cough but it seems that it didn't affect me for 2 days. Last week, when we visit my parent's house, my mom told me to pick some calamansi fruit in the backyard so I could make some juice out of it to help eliminate my cough. We have 5 trees of calamansi, about 6-8 feet high.

Since some of its fruits were being harvested in the lower portion of the tree, and some of its fruits were left on the higher portion, I begin to stand on a high chair for me to collect the calamansi fruits using the scissor.

I was enjoying picking its fruits as well as taking pictures of them and didn't notice that I had picked so many in just two trees leaving 3 trees untouched.

At first, I was planning to make a juice out of it for myself only for my cough using hot water, but then the weather was so hot so I begin making a cold juice for everyone. And I'm glad that the children loved drinking the calamari juice.

Calamansi or calamondin, as we called them here, is a citrus fruit with very high vitamin C, similar to a lemon. It helps boost our immune system to help fight colds and coughs. The other benefits of consuming the calamansi juice may include its ability to lower cholesterol, manage diabetes, aid in managing our weight, stimulate growth and repair as well as detoxify the body as it has antioxidants.

Aside from making a juice from calamansi fruit, we also used this as a condiment in pansit or bihon and add flavor to our "sawsawan" or dipping sauce along with soy sauce, chopped onions, and tomatoes used for fish (grilled or fried), chicken and pork (grilled). We also include some in our "kinilaw" (sliced raw fish with onions, tomatoes, and siling labuyo or small chili pepper).

During our 5-day stay in my parent's house, I consume hot calamansi juice along with ginger, and some oregano leaves every day. I noticed that I seldom cough and that the itchy throat was gone. After our short vacation, we brought some calamansi fruit back to our home.

Do you have your own calamansi tree in your backyard? If not, I recommend everyone to plant this type of tree in their backyard, because of its benefits and other helpful characteristics, particularly in Asian countries where it is widely known and used.

We have already planted ours at the back of our house and is about 2 feet tall by now. Hoping to harvest it's fruit maybe after 1-2 years, I think.😅

Hope you find this post useful. Thank you and enjoy your day everyone. God bless us all.

Love lots,


(All images used we're personally taken by me.)

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