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Striking Balance


Balance as said is keeping things in a way that it will not favour just a part but to some extent put the weight on the two part without affecting the other part.
When ever the word balance is mentioned that means there are two things involved or even many. It can be activities that are involved.
Now talking about work we are talking about activity to be done and doing other things that might be to the detriment of the work .
There are many things attached to working in life as you will want to balance it with your dealings in life making the two move smoothly without any contradiction and without having to out blame on one when a particular aspect of one of them is affected.
Balancing work.
Work balance is something that when put into consideration will cause one to have a healthy life and a long life span as some work can cause heart attack, hypertension and aome times can even lead to stroke(paralyses)
Now for one to be able to live a healthy life there is every need to keep your work conditions healthy, what i mean by this is making a conducive schedule that will give space or room for other activities to come in. Now looking at some of the things to be considered to maintain a work balance with our health is.

  1. Making the working arena conducive: one can maintain good balance in his or her health condition if he feels comfortable working without any lapses. Just like one can't work in an environment that ventilation is not sufficient to promote good health he or she tends to fall sick and when down you can't make your self available for the work and trust me there will be no incomes. As the popular saying goes health is wealth. So to be able to make good money you have to make good health. And you can't achieve that if your working environment is messed up.
  2. Making the working hour suitable to help relaxation: You also will be exhausted if your working hour doesn't warrant appropriate rest. The immune in one's system needs rest and if they are not put to rest they begin to mis function and wouldn't want a case where that will begin to happen. Because it might cause confusion in a place of work as things will begin to be misplaced as a result of lack of rest in the body system.
    So to be able to do well in your place of work there is every need to keep the body system also in a healthy condition.