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Celebrating Summer Solstice, A Poem For Litha


The solstice has a magical feel. The energy that spring is over and we now begin the transition of each day growing shorter. This pause of days is a time to reflect and give thanks for the beauty and abundance of nature and all that our mother earth provides.

This year the rains brought clarity and as I sit here with my thoughts of gratitude I felt compelled to write this poem.

Normally, we would spend today going for a walk or celebrating with a gathering on the beach, but as the last few weeks have been full of excitement and renewal, a low key affair of calmness, thought and reflection were welcomed instead.

Nature doesn't follow human instruction and we humans would do well to observe and reconnect. Guided by the elements and intuition. Learning to trust the universe. For all is connected and feeling that deeper connection, knowing we are a tiny part in that energy, brings us in alignment the way the earth aligns with the sun as she pivots on her axis.

Blessed are those who dance in the sun
A time to breathe deeply,
Awake completely,
Light stands strong,
Subtly glimmer in the witching hour.
A place where time holds no power.

Take the reigns of directional cue
And balance darkness upon tilted hue.
Spring's adolescence maturing
Bountiful, plentiful, inflorescence,
Strengthening and dancing of the soul's essence.
Calm in momentum, enjoying every moment that
Will now come to pass,
Fading transition begins it's journey north.

Oh mother earth,
Thank you for this light
That you instill upon the night
Thank you for the abundant growth.
Honouring your beauty, your energetic flow.
Our souls will dance with you tonight
In celebration and awe of your power and might.
Thank you for the gift of life.



