Helping Mother Earth through afforestation|The environmental impact Mother earth is experiencing

Since the Industrial revolution, deforestation has accelerated worldwide and it has adversely impacted our environment. From rising sea levels to global warming, and even a hypothetical apocalyptic situation such as the runaway greenhouse effect. More effect of deforestation is foretold on next-generation if industrial activities increase by 1.5% or above the current level and Humans had suffered illness from the adverse impact of global warming and greenhouse effect through the subsequent rise in temperature and the persistent heat.

The worst effect is pronounced in the future if the mother earth is not saved, saved from the deteriorating damage from global warming and greenhouse gases which can only be prevented through afforestation- the planting of flowers, tall trees, and shrubs, shading the earth from it harsh weather.


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We are humans who want the same thing every other human wants — a safe place to live on this planet we call home. So while our work must continue to be unbiased and objective, increasingly we are raising our voices, adding to the clear message that climate change is real and humans are responsible, the impacts are serious and we must act now.

There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming is 97% man-made. This shows man has equal means to prevent its adverse effects on the mother earth. The gas and fuel we burn, the trees we cut down are factors that promote the gradual wearing of the earth layers, exposing men to its danger. We deny our right to health and life if we continue to act carelessly in the obvious danger. A certain part of the world is already experiencing floods that claim the lives and houses of many and the intense heat that has introduced diverse illnesses.

We can help Earth from these disasters if we engage in:
2: Setting policy on cutting down trees
3:Encourage planting of flowers and trees around us
The cool breeze we feel during hot weather could save many from many health issues caused by heat. Afforestation boasts many climate-related benefits. Several new studies suggest that forests attract rain and this had been proven by a climate scientist.

Help mother Earth and become an agent of impact to the generation to come through the planting of trees. Join the likes of Jadav Payeng, "The Forest Man of India," who has planted tens of thousands of trees for nearly 40 years. He earned his name Jadav Payeng after sending 30 years of his life planting trees. If we could get 1 million people as Jadav Payeng, we could help fight this climate change and once again revive our mother earth from global warming.

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