What is "the Higher Self"? Communicating with the Subconscious Mind.

Good Day everyone!
Since we are here to demystify and Explore concepts related to esoteric and mysterious topics, we couldn't simply not mention the do popular concept of the "higher Self".

What in the world is the Higher Self?

That's not a question eth a simple answer and yet the "higher Self" is something as simple as it can get.


In essence the idea of the higher Self comes in many forms, some call "that" the great spirit, others the true self and perhaps there is an association somewhere in there about the subconscious mind, the collective subconscious and so on. In truth it's not too specific because each person can use their own system and based on their system it can mean something slightly different.

I'm my personal interpretation:

I don't see it as a mere label but as a phenomenon.

We will talk more about related concepts which are relevant in the future but all you have to know if that when someone mentions "communicating" with the "higher Self" or via the "higher Self" to the"divine" (also referred to as"Divination"), that is called "channeling" and from a more technical standpoint the individual is simply synchronized and decoding information from and with a (fill in the blank) source.

Can only "special" people to that?

Of course not, everyone and anyone can, actually we wouldn't function without such phenomenon existing.

"Tapping" therefore into your subconscious mind or higher Self (depending on how you label "it") is simpler than some may think.
What is required? Simply Being aware of those streams of information that come your way. Being able to "tell apart" and being more and more "one" with the stream of your choice (hence the term "channeling" which literally means shifting streams of information).


Little trick to recognize the "Higher Self" stream,

sometimes you may notice a very subtle sense or feeling, it can be in the theme of an idea, usually the information comes non-verbally.
Sometimes it may seem nonsensical from an every-day perspective however when you really are absorbed into the incoming information you may start to notice the relevance and importance of the information.

Why does that happen?

There are many explanations as such, however you may notice how when we get absorbed into reading, writing and perhaps listening, it is a similar process an the contents which we access are simply (as some may believe) "stored" into databases seemingly inaccessible to us, however we may have more access than we may initially think. This topic will also be covered in the future as it may take a long explanation, but to put it simply, when we focus too much on "ourselves" as seperate parts in the greater whole, we "disconnect" from the "greater whole's" capabilities and therefore... we disconnect from data and information.


It is important to be reminded that information is simply "organized" data in specific combinations to form "information" and streams of information are simply data being organized in specific ways by which we draw meaning relevant to what we need. Our personal system as well as the totality of the system (at least one way I see it) stores information in a non-linear fashion, in such a way that at first seems "random" or "nonsensical" and in the same way it retrieves information.

So, in conclusion, next time you notice a subtle a feeling of sorts, a "voiceless voice", that seems non-linear and does not make immediate sense but may hold something that you feel important, attempt to ask "that" thing questions and relevant answers are likely to appear (granted that we are open and ask a genuine question).

My Subconscious Mind 👁️👁️‍🗨️

My subconscious mind (which is speculated to be the bridge to the collective subconscious) indeed has granted me those ideas and I am writing based on them, according to "that" which speaks in a "voiceless voice",

"I am always there, conversing with you, there is just too much noise to make out the correct messages, I always send my messages to you in a multitude of ways, from subtle pain to a feeling of excitement and so on, all you have to do is enter from there and listen" -Voiceless Voice (Subconscious Mind)

Thats it for now 😊 I hope you found this helpful in some way, thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of the day 🙏

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✍️Author(s): DeepSpiral (aka: TwinDenis, TheDenis, Dennis K.)
⚠️Disclaimers: I am not a medical, financial or legal professional advisor, if you need help seek advice from an appropriate professional depending on the case. Materials in this Post can be Opinions and not to be taken as facts unless a relevant source is cited, always do your own research for the topics discussed.
📷Credited Image Sources:
Photo 1 by NASA on Unsplash.
Photo 2 by Arnie Chou on Pexels.
Photo 3 by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.

#️⃣Tags: #deepthought #thoughtfuldailypost #ocd #esoterism #thoughts #esoteric #philosophy #philosophical #awareness #consciousness #mind #hive #psychology #positivevibes #positivepsychology #mindset #hive-123046 #hive-122315 #hive-166408 #hive #hive-155221 #abundancetribe #leo #neoxian #proofofbrain #hive-engine #oneup

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