Training the soul

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Depending on your belief system you will have a different definition of spirituality than others, some have it very clear and others continue in their learning process to understand it. Sometimes I am very clear about its definition, I relate it to that great Self that we try to reach daily through practices, rituals and meditations, other times I attribute its definition to the direct connection with some God or omnipresent entity that emanates clarity and light.

In the end, both definitions are valid and also the individual thought that each person has about it is valid, because all of them will lead us to the same link, which is to achieve the elevation to the highest frequency, to heal the interior and find peace.

They are all those energies that we are alchemically transforming, as if we were given a small ball of clay and from it we were sculpting a large part of us.We always start with small things to build spirituality, but all this always depends on the belief system we have, if there are religions involved the work will be based on it, on the other hand, if there are not, there will be different practices to also build them.

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In both I always think that acceptance and forgiveness is the first big step, because even in Christianity we seek forgiveness from Christ to purify our sins and begin to have a life connected to God.

I am not a believer in religions, but I do understand the analogy to what we want to reach through forgiveness, a heart full of resentment cannot reach a healthy spirituality because there will be stones in its path that will not let it move forward. After that each person will follow the instinct of his body, movement, meditation, food and nature will dictate how pronounced your work has been in your spirit.

There is no fixed characteristic that sections us as spiritual, mid-spiritual and non-spiritual. The journey is individual, the goal will always be the same. The divinity is part of us, that great Being abounds within us, only that due to many doctrines it tends to become numb.

This is my passion fruit plant, 2 months ago it was planted, it is growing strong and beautiful.

In particular I feel that I work on my own spirituality when I take care of the small natural spaces that surround me, with song, water, sun and shade. I feel that taking care of the small pieces of the earth is a way to advance in the journey of the spirit, but it is also a way to save a life that cannot save itself, to meditate to order your inner space, to move the temple where your spirit (body) lives and at the same time nourish it with consciousness.

In the end I consider that this would only be a quarter of what is really spiritual work, how wide do you consider it to be? I think it is very wide, the oneiric space is also part of this development as well as astral travels. Dusting off that third eye is a task with a lot of longevity, the energy will always continue to transform and the planets will continue to move, that is why reaching the peak may not be possible in this earthly space, but where do you think it is possible?

My grandmother used to always tell me that whatever we sow on earth will be what we will reap after our lifetime, that our actions and our habits will determine our reward after we die, and I think this is totally true and at the same time it is very wise. Perhaps we believe that our spiritual work is to forge a state of matter here on earth and in reality we are building the place where we will arrive.

Another small passion fruit plant that grows a little slower than the first one.

But in the end it will always be a task of our own, where each one of us will have the necessary tools to carry out those sowings, where each one of us will learn in a different way. I will continue taking care of nature and helping small lives, smiling and training my subconscious that the present must be lived with love and slowly.


I invite you to participate in the Spirituality Challenge that is being organized by the @NaturalMedicine community by @miriannalis. Here is the link.


Translated with the help of deepL
Photos edited in Adobe Photoshop CC
Photos taken with my iPhone 6s

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