Natural Medicine - Turmeric and Ghee For Wound

I got a wound day before yesterday in my right thumb. The wound was not visible as it was inside the nail. Yesterday pus (a thick, yellowish liquid that forms in and comes from an infected cut or injury in the body) was coming out from the thumb since it was not visible I could not apply for any medicines.

Then the natural medicine came into the picture that is Ghee and Turmeric. Turmeric has one of the best medicinal benefits which helps to reduce inflammation and help with healing. Why I mixed it with ghee is because ghee is known for its anti-bacterial benefits and thus the healing seems to be faster than the turmeric alone.

Turmeric is a natural anti-bacterial food that helps in fighting the bacteria found on the skin, it also helps to clot the blood, and thus if you have a wound with bleeding it will prevent the wound from bleeding further.

Just note that I have heated the mixture of turmeric and ghee so that it helps to make wound healing faster and thus it will kill any bacteria already exist. After applying it I have covered the wound with a bandage since white bandage was not available I have tied the wound with a piece of cloth. Since the wound was not visible, this method is much better than any traditional medicine because it sends the anti-bacterial inside the skin and thus helps in healing the wound.


Thus I have applied it for 2-3 times in a day and thus now my thumb hurts less and thus the pus is not coming out anymore.


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