introduction to harvesting wild mushrooms - blog and podcast


For the past months I’ve been racking my brains daily for how best to communicate about the world situation: what’s the most important practical advice, what are the deeper underlying stories, where is the meaning in all that’s happening, and what can we do/ be to alter the profoundly destructive course that we’re on?

This month’s podcast is on mushrooms, wild foraging and consciousness.

Click here to visit my website and listen to the podcast

I rarely create without divine inspiration – without a whole-body-yes calling to a particular subject/ direction/ dimension. So I was waiting, during this tumultuous time of unfolding psychosis, paranoid-hysterical-misplaced controls and superstitious rituals, for a feeling around the Gift that it is my work to share, and this came clear and ready-to-pop-out: wild mushrooms.


Rather than painting over the past months, I’ve been studying; common law, Italian law, DPCMs, human rights, v a c c i n e s, RNA, the absolute unreliability of testing, the modern understanding of the whole immune system, DNA modification, nano-technologies, surveillance, loss of genetic sovereignty/ identity, legal non-consent, Natural law, and the extent of the manipulation being played out via the mainstream. It’s all reality-altering stuff.


Doing something about it all, however, requires stability, calm, honour… and a profoundly larger perspective; roots planted firmly in the soil of this incredible holy planet, and energies radiating outwards and upwards into the subtle world. This requires, above all, solitude in nature and alignment with bigger forces for Life, so that we can cultivate a true vitality, alertness and well-being.


There’s a profound difference in being aligned with – let’s call it ‘holy-planet-conscious’, and the complex interdependence of solutions and remedies needed (to cure our active state of global dissonance) – or being focussed on ‘the problem’ (as perceived through the conventional media). In the latter , our vibration stays low, and it actually supports – holds space for – the agenda (or ‘the problem’); it effectively compounds the issue, blocking it from dissipating like it naturally wants to.


So here are some thoughts on why mushrooms – the non-cultivated variety that one has to know intimately about before seeking them – are part of the bigger picture – and thus part of the solution.

This is a podcast introduction to wild mushroom harvesting as a means of nourishing and maintaining a holistic consciousness.

Click here to visit my website and listen to the podcast - intro to wild mushroom harvesting


Please consider making even a small regular contribution to my monthly funding: it really does help significantly in these times… The mainstream censorship of art and truth has almost entirely blocked my communication with audiences that are based in the big social medias, and this is obviously affecting my already humble earnings significantly.

MUCH love, blessings, freedom, vitality and power to you – be truly wholly well, be deeply and widely aligned,




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