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Making Effort + Reaping Rewards!

I often put off my juicing... It's a relatively laborious task, messy, fiddly and time-consuming... It seems more effortful the longer I leave it, the harder a discipline it feels to be getting into. There might've been some bad vibes or tense memories hanging round my Norwalk juicer, too: I've barely used it since it was purchased in 2006 for my mum's Gerson Therapy... She never wanted to get into the intensive juicing, and chose to pass away in a hospice instead, following a couple of weeks of regular food and medicated 'bliss' - which felt like the most awful throwing away of Life, to me...
Today I pushed myself and got on with it late morning. I've been trying to get more motivated, healthy, clean-living. Like for most of us, the past couple of years have been draining and terribly upsetting on so many levels.... Getting juicing marks an important move into better self-care, strengthening of systems, stabilising anxiety...
This morning, things flowed so much easier than usual! I chopped the apples not in the usual quarters then eighths- just chopped them around the core, saving more of the flesh and making a more pleasurable organc job....
None of the cloths in the juicing lost any pulp in the pressing - a great boon!
I used 4 wee beetroots, alongside around 10 carrots, 20 green apples and a good-sized chunk of ginger....
The colour that came out was glorious... All shades of orange, pink and deep maroon...

I never think much about recipes or controlling tastes: whatever comes out is natural, delicious and wonderfully tasty. Every time. Vegetables and fruit for the most part want to be together and enjoyed.

It was even a joy tidying up! Hehehe! I took my time, one section of the juicer at a time, rinsing under the cold water, easy to clean just with hands and water - the pulp and juices help clean.... Letting the pieces drip-dry in the sun.

A quiet moment of deep satisfaction drinking a glass of the ruby-red elixir....

Discipline nailed: already cannot wait for the next batch! I even felt some release of old emotion, around having lost my mum in the way we did...

Thank you for listening in.... ❤️
