

Many of my posts cross over multiple subjects, and I hummed and hawed about which community to share this post in: primarily, our current state of transition as a human collective is further towards conscious Co-Creation, and away from unconscious destructive patterns... So this to me feels most aligned with Natural Medicine; our Collective Return to Whole Health, in which our Co-Creative capacity is most Vital!

Hallo Beautiful Friend ā€“ welcome to my podcast today šŸ™‚

Here, Iā€™m speaking to how these times are Gifting us THE most beautifully lucid revealing of exactly how we are Co-Creating e v e r y t h i n g that is going on right now.

You can view the original blogcast post here on my website also - or on here.

'podcast' (Living Voice Sharing) on Co-Creation

Our Co-Creative capacity is complex yes, but at the same time it is also infinitely simple ā€“ because our alchemical mastery of The Art Of Life is all about Flow, Ease, Harmony.

The Way is simply The Way, and what Is Right is All-Ways Right. So once we get closer and closer to Core and Source, The Right Way is more and more crystal clear ā€“ and the wrong way sticks out like a very visible thing that is sticking out!


Join me for another online Living Painting Session on Friday 1st October, at 1600 hours, Rome, Italy time. See this postfor more info. A direct link to the session is here.

Blessings to you in your Sovereign Everymoment,


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