Oh, the Places I Go on My Acupressure Mat

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When I got my acupressure mat, it felt like pure excruciation when I tried to lie on my back on it. I imagined it was what it must feel like to lie down on a bed of nails. I tried again the next day, and I was surprised to find I was able to lie my whole back down on it for at least a little bit. After a few days I was able to lie on it for the full recommended time: 30 - 45 minutes. Now I could lie on it indefinitely. And there have been times when I've gone into such a deep state of relaxation and transformation that I've lie on it for 1.5+ hours.

The acupressure mat is like a metaphor for life: relax into the discomfort. I've experienced such deeply meditative, profoundly transformative, and spiritual states. Sometimes I visit the town I grew up in in spirit. Sometimes I have conversations with my spirit team. Being on that acupressure mat is my time to go deep, deep, deep into myself. I discover tension I'm holding in my body that I otherwise wouldn't have been aware of. Discovering that tension in each part of my body unlocks a whole journey of healing, transformation, and upleveling.

Deep healing on all levels of my being happens in those deepest states of relaxation. As I relax these different parts of my body that I've held tense, energy flows to them, and they receive the life force that they need.

Do you have any experience with acupressure? Have you ever tried an acupressure mat before?

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