Benefits of Morakot


Morakot is a vegetable that is much favored especially the people of Indonesia.
Often morakot used as a vegetable in the form of decoction, fresh vegetables and pan-fried. This vegetable can be eaten from the leaves up the stem.

As we know, morakot has a bitter taste but can increase appetite. The bitter taste that exist in this vegetable to make complementary foods taste delicious.



Morakot is a vegetable similar to caisim, kale and types of mustard other. Morakot its shape is almost the same with the caisim and is usually used to mix food such as meatballs, dumplings and capcay.

As you all know, morakot has a bitter taste but although bitter, morakot it has many benefits for the body.
Let's see the benefits of morakot!


- High in Anti-oxidants

Morakot is a vegetable that has anti-oxidants in the formation of vitamin A and D. Anti-oxidants necessary to ward off free radicals. Free radicals can make cells in the body become damaged. Anti-oxidant on the morakot able to ward off free radicals so that the body becomes healthy.

- Protect Your Skin and Eyes

Morakot is a vegetable that has high vitamin A. Vitamin A in the morakot able to keep the eyes and the skin remains healthy.

- Improve Immune

In the era of this pandemic, keeping the immune that are not easily attacked by viruses and bacteria is important. Vitamin C is a good source to keep the body's immune. Morakot known with vegetables that have a high vitamin C. Vitamin C in morakot can meet the daily requirement by way of drinking the juice morakot 1 glass every day.

- High In Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a vitamin that can help the process of blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency is very harmful to the body. The body will be susceptible to bleeding. Vitamin K in morakot can help your daily intake of vitamin K.


- Detoxify the Liver and Blood

The high content of chlorophyll on morakot can help detoxify the liver and blood. Chlorophyll on morakot consumed can build the blood so that improve the quality of red blood cells. Chlorophyll can also help detoxify the liver because it can improve the ability of the liver to clear toxins and harmful substances in the body.

- High In Fiber

The benefits of high fiber on the morakot can reduce cholesterol levels in the body by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

Well, it is some of the benefits that exist in vegetables morakot guys.
As it turns out, this vegetable is rich in benefits that are good for the body. Right?


For that, we need to balance the needs of the food intake as well as vegetables that are good for the body. Moreover, in the era of the pandemic is making us need to be more extra maintain health.

For that I and the family always planting vegetables that are easy to grow and rich in benefits.

Let's share the other benefits that come from nature!

Author: Aswita
You can find me instagram @aswitasoe
Take a pict by Iphone 11
A women obsessed planting and cooking.
See you soon!!

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