(Esp-Eng) Recetas magicas de brujas para alejar el covid 19!!! Witches' magic recipes to keep away covid 19!!!!!

My magical plants that have kept me away from the flu and covid 19 . Since I was a child I listened to my grandmothers talk about the benefits of plants such as oregano oregano, which most of the grandchildren took for asthma, it also helps to relieve menstrual cramps and to reduce inflammation among other things.
Other blessed plants that we took as children and that we have returned to use today are malojillo and lemon balm, because they are special to clean the respiratory area, they alkalinize the body so that viruses and bacteria can not be installed also have an excellent aroma and are exquisite taken as hot tea.

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And of course you can not miss the guava tree leaf which is anti-inflammatory of respiratory tract, anticoagulant, antiviral and antifebrile.
They among other foods such as ginger and garlic that increase our defenses is important to stay away from viral and respiratory diseases.

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It is important that today under the conditions in which we are living due to the Pandemic and added to this in Venezuela with hyperinflation, we protect ourselves by taking foods that raise our immune defenses as our ancestral and blessed plants.
On the other hand it should be accompanied by an attitude of optimism where daily we thank God or our Higher Self for the dawn and the blessings we receive throughout the day.
Something like: "I bless and thank my life, my body, my family, my friends, my acquaintances.
Our homes, my country Venezuela and the whole world".
I am grateful for all the blessings that come to me at every moment,
I am worthy of well-being
I bless and thank Hive because it is a community that gives us the opportunity to improve our lives through the creation of useful and quality content.
I visualize that the planet harmonizes and all the beings that inhabit it connect with health and wellness.
It's done! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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I love plants, they are wonderful and provide us with health and well-being. I like to plant them, water them and pamper them. Let's go back to the ancestral wisdom of our grandparents and take medicinal plants. Let's ask the plants for permission before taking their leaves and let's do it with faith.

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Dare to have your own materitos at home with these magical plants! Thanks for reading and I hope you find it useful. We will keep reading each other in this world of talents in Hive. Happy Living. Alixen3000. she
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witch's disciple!

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