Art as Meditation: Where do the Designs COME From? To "Woo" or not to "Woo..."

My art is my meditation.

There are days where I spend literally hours in a trance-like state, painting tiny intricate mandala designs on a stone that will fit in the palm of your hand.


I totally do understand how Buddhist monks can spend hours and days creating intricate mandala sand paintings!

When we go out and attend arts and crafts shows, the question often comes up of "where do the designs come from."

Well, definitely not from a photograph or a book. They are completely free-hand, and I use no templates and "cheat marks" or anything else of the sort. I also don't make sketches, and I generally have no preconceived ideas when I start working. As far as I know, I'm the only one using this precise style, so I am not "borrowing" from a colleague.

Work in progress... where will it end?

Woo-woo... or Not?

The "business" end of art tends to be rather fickle. It's a bit odd, really. The idea of "crazy artists" seems to be both expected and a little bit repulsive to people, at the same time.

Sometimes I feel tempted to say that the designs constitute "channeled information," but I'm not entirely sure how accurate that actually is.

I pick out a stone from my bins of stuff gathered while beachcombing, sit down in my workspace and put a single drop of colored paint at the center of the stone. What happens from that point forward — all the way until I am "done" — is pretty much without plan or any kind of preconceived notions. The only exception to that is if I am doing some kind of commission for someone who requested a stone "similar to" a design they once saw, but I sold it in the meantime. OR if I am working on designs that are part of sets where the stones must have a similar appearance.

That was a commission... it took 3-4 days to do.

And I very rarely agree to do those because... well, I don't really like made-to-order.

The alternative is to say that the designs are "inspired by sacred geometry found in nature," which is certainly also true. I spend a lot of time crawling around on my stomach with a macro camera, taking extreme close-ups of the patterns found in flowers, leaves and such.

As accurate a statement as any — and the least spiritual/woo-woo — would be "because I like the way they look!"

Opinions From Favorite Events!

We don't just take the stones to Arts and Crafts events, we also attend various "alternative" conferences and shows, like "Faerie Festivals," Steampunk events and UFO/Paranormal conferences.

Interestingly enough, by far the most successful events we go to (sales wise) are the UFO-Paranormal Summits. Seems like those with an interest in UFOs and the Paranormal are extremely receptive to what I am doing.


When we are there, fellow attendees who visit our table often say that what I am doing constitutes "messages from the Universe." Who am I, to argue with that? Actually, I shouldn't be too "flip" about that... sometimes it feels like the most accurate and relevant characterization of "where" the designs come from.

Ultimately, perhaps it doesn't really matter.

There are so many different and distinct reasons for why art and design "speaks" to people and resonates with them. I am partial to the "from space" idea though... perhaps swayed by the fact that it's what my "most appreciative" audience seems to think.

Thanks for visiting!


Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

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Thank you for supporting independent art!

2021.07.21 AS-TXT-059/025

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