Project Promotional Cards for Free Accounts!

The @NaturalMedicine project has recently put together promotional cards for free accounts. These cards feature a QR code which directs users to where they can easily browse the website's contents, as well as a short description of the project and a contact email for users to receive a free account to start posting on the blockchain to avoid having to pay for an account or wait extended periods for their account's approval.

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The free accounts will be emailed a PDF copy of their keys and @NaturalMedicine will immediately delete all records. The email comes with a detailed message of how to reset your keys and save them for yourself so that your level of security is maximized. @NaturalMedicine will also gift a small amount of LOTUS coin to each new user who signs up via this method.

I have personally purchased 1000 of these business cards in order to give them out to any NM users who would like a handful to give away to people they might know or to leave in shops and such. If you are interested, please contact me via Discord in the Natural Medicine Discord Server where you can easily send me a DM via my Discord handle (@alchemage#4235).

Join me in today's video where I talk more in depth about these cards.

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PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y's
Cat-herder aka Chief Bigstick
High Priest, Church of Erin
Erisian Ataxia Troupe : Caste of the Black Star

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