Photography on film - Chasing the evening light with Jupiter 12 (For the Analog Photography community).

A few frames from the recently exposed developed and scanned roll of ilford HP5 400 film. I used my Canon P film rangefinder camera with Jupiter-12 35mm old Russian lens attached to the body. The camera is made in 1961 and the lens in 1974. Both look and work like new. The lens is not coated so it grabs all the available light and creates these beautiful lens flares as you can find in frames 2 and 3. I guess that appears purple on color film.



This day I walked with two of my friends also equipped with their film cameras. Some kind of #believeinfilm cooperation. We walked together and visited the same places but everyone found very different points of view and the whole scene for her/him frames. And that's what is beautiful in photography. Our perception and imagination are absolutely different no matter which kind of gear and media we use. And our frames always will be different even we will take them from the same exact location and will stand at the same exact point.


ilford HP5 EI250-300
Canon p
Jupiter-12 35mm
Kodak d-76 developer.


Here we go. I just created this Analog (FILM) Photog. I'm still learning the community managing process, so please be patient. And we also need your help - so don't hesitate to join even if you don't use any analog camera. Sure you will find some special stuff photographed by amazing photographers with their Film cameras.

I'm accepting donations of the Ko-Fi (film rolls) -
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Photography © Victor Bezrukov
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