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Tampa With a Hawkeye

I went out today with the Argoflex to test out my focus calibration (more on that sometime this week) and realized that I haven't posted my Hawkeye photos yet.

I was a little less nervous with the Hawkeye than I was with the Brownie. Even though the mechanics are a little different, I was way more comfortable with loading the film and running it through. I had to modify the 120 spool to make it fit, but it went in and ran through the camera perfectly.

And with 12 shots instead of 8 I even felt comfortable enough to recompose a shot when I realized it wasn't framed the way I wanted.

I think I have posted the digital versions of these shots but I can't remember. As I did with the Brownie 2, I used my Nikon to "meter" these shots to make sure the 200 ISO film and 1/50 sec shutter speed would work with the lighting. I'll put a few comparisons at the end of this post.

It's tough to find time for photo walks, but I managed to find a morning in Tampa to walk around and capture a few sites.

One of my favorite "features" of these old cameras is the ability to take double and even triple exposures. In fact you can just keep clicking away as much as you want, though I don't recommend it.

I had one shot left, so I thought I would take a picture of my house. It didn't come out well though. I think this camera works better with the sun behind the user. Maybe I could get a lower ISO for shots like this.

As promised, some comparisons between digital and film:

Definitely prefer the film on that last one.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the Argoflex developed and scanned. We'll see!





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