Brownie 2 Model F: Fang Fest

After much ado, I present my first roll of 120 film. I got my scanner this week after a bit of delay, but I'm glad to report it's working great!

Test shot

These were honestly terrifying to take. I wasn't sure if they would come out, so I used my Nikon D5500 to "meter" them first. I think some of the film shots came out better than the test shots.

Double exposure, a fun trick of do it yourself film winding

I think I'm going to enjoy film (if I can afford more). There is something great about being in full control of the process, from loading film to developing it at home, that you just can't get from digital.

Digital is almost too perfect. Although I have discovered more and more settings and tricks that can make the process more work. But really, taking a hundred shots until you get it right just seems like cheating.

I suppose I have learned a lot from my digital tests, but I think learning film is going to stick better. It is trial and error in slow motion, as opposed to the instant gratification of taking 10 pictures and choosing the best one right from the back of the camera.

One of the biggest challenges in this experience was not knowing exactly how the Brownie would frame the image compared to the Nikon. I can't remember off the top of my head what the focal length of the Brownie is but next time I will definitely keep it in mind.

All photos were taken with a Kodak Brownie 2 Model F from 1924ish. I used Arista Edu 400, and I developed in Caffenol Delta for 10 minutes. The f stops and exposure times are varied but most are f22 and 1/50th of a second.






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