Hive Musicfestival semana #24 - Ronda 3. FEELS SO GOOD cover by @Edgardsaxo

hola a todos los integrantes de esta comunidad de #HMF en su semana 24 ronda 3 soy el usuario @edgardsaxo estoy honrando de poder participar en este prestigioso evento donde los musicos podemos expresar nuestro talento en la web3 cada semana sorprendido por el alcance de esta plataforma he tenido la oportunidad de conocer amigos en diferentes partes del mundo.
les comento que la semana pasada fueron de muchos errores pero lo tome como un aprendizaje me equivoque y no defini a que comunidad iba mi entrada y no sabia que hacer y trate de borrar y la volvia a publicar y fue visto como si hice dos publicaciones mi falta de experiencia me llevo a incurrir en este error pero como les digo lo tome como un aprendizaje y como todas las cosas de la vida vamos aprendiendo de nuestros errores y lo importante es ir mejorando cada dia.

hello to all the members of this #HMF community in its week 24 round 3 I am the user @edgardsaxo I am honored to be able to participate in this prestigious event where musicians can express our talent on the web3 every week surprised by the reach of this platform I have had the opportunity to meet friends in different parts of the world.
I tell you that last week there were many mistakes but I took it as a lesson I made a mistake and I didn't define which community my post was going to and I didn't know what to do and I tried to delete it and reposted it and it was seen as if I had made two posts myself Lack of experience led me to make this mistake, but as I told you, I took it as learning, like all things in life, we learn from our mistakes and the important thing is to improve every day.

ahora bien para esta semana quiero interpretarles un tema pero no con el saxofon sino con la trompeta aunque no soy un experto porque tengo poco tiempo estudiandola casi 3 años la estudio casi todos los dias lo que me ha dado cierta destreza en ella aunque todavia se que me falta muchas cosas por aprender la dificultad de la trompeta es la precicion al momento de hacer un sonido debido que con siete pocision de los pistones y la variacion del flujo de aire en la tuberia salen los diferentes sonidos en una sola posicion pueden salir hasta 7 sonidos o armonicos y hasta mas dependiendo del dominio del instrumetno y asi pasa en cada una de las posiciones.

Now, for this week I want to interpret a song for you, but not with the saxophone but with the trumpet, although I am not an expert because I have been studying it for a short time for almost 3 years, I study it almost every day, which has given me some skill in it, although I still know that I still have many things to learn. The difficulty of the trumpet is the precision when making a sound because with seven piston positions and the variation of the air flow in the pipe, the different sounds come out in a single position, up to 7 can come out. sounds or harmonics and even more depending on the mastery of the instrument and so it happens in each of the positions.

el tema que les traigo es un smooth jazz un subgenero del jazz que se caracteriza por se mas melodico, hoy quize interpretar para ustedes a el artista Chuck Mangione compositor del tema Feels So Good traducido quiere decir sentirse bien este tema el lo grabo con un fliscorno que le da una dulzura al sonido yo no tengo un fliscorno asi que hice el maximo esfuerso para que la trompeta sonara con la delicades del fliscorno. El tema lo hago con una trompeta modelo estudiante marca JIMBAO que es brasileña.

The song that I bring you is a smooth jazz, a subgenre of jazz that is characterized by being more melodic, today I wanted to interpret for you the artist Chuck Mangione, composer of the song Feels So Good, translated, which means feeling good, this song he recorded with a flugelhorn That gives the sound a sweetness. I don't have a flugelhorn so I did my best to make the trumpet sound with the delicateness of the flugelhorn. I do the song with a Brazilian JIMBAO student model trumpet.

una vez mas agradecido por poder expresar la musica y poderla difundir para todos ustedes..

once again grateful for being able to express the music and be able to spread it to all of you..

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