Hive Music Festival - Week #64 - Round 1 SPA/ENG Amy Winehouse - "Cherry"

Hola amigos de Hive Music Festival! Me emociona ahora formar parte de esta
gran divertida y creativa comunidad! Mi nombre es Amaretta y esta es mi primera
vez participando en este espacio! Un muy buen amigo @yusaymon me hablo de hacer
canciones aqui, asi que decidi dar mi primer pasito con esta hermosa cancion
llamada Cherry de Amy Winehouse! Una gran inspiracion en mi camino musical,
gracias a su musica aprendi a tocar la guitarra y de hecho, mi abuela me regalo
una guitarra a la cual llame Rosada, en honor a la guitarra de esta cancion que
se llama Cherry, guitarra a la cual Amy le canta y le dice que la conoce mucho
mas que cualquier persona al rededor.

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Aqui les dejo Una foto divertida de cuando tocaba con Rosada, yo en ese entonces tenia 18 años y trabajaba en Venezuela vendiendo chicha ( una bebida tipica venezolana a base de arroz y leche ).

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la Chicha venezolana.

Fue mi primer empleo, y lo unico que queria era ahorrar dinero para comprarme una patineta y una guitarra nueva. un dia estaba saliendo de mi turno y mi abuela llego a mi puesto de trabajo a buscarme, y cuando me subi al carro, habia una guitarra dentro de su forro en el asiento trasero, y cuando la abri, era Rosada! Al principio no me gusto nada el color, pero junto a ella aprendi a tocar esta cancion y le tome mucho cariño.

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Matriarca, Rosada y yo.

Ultimamente he tenido un cumulo creativo ya que me gusta hacer de todo tipo de exprersion artistica, como pintar, cantar. escribir, bloguear, animandome a crear espacios donde toda mi creatividad pueda ser de provecho para otras personas a traves de un disfrute personal muy genuino y positivo, por ello agradezco muchisimo la oportunidad de compartir aqui con todos, donde estoy super animada de conocer nuevas personas, conectar y crear una comunidad muy interesante y sobre todo, creativa! Gracias a todos por venir aqui! Abajo les dejo anexado un video con la cancion original y la letra. Muchas gracias a todos de antemano y espero seguir conociendo personas increibles en
estos espacios.

Amy Winehouse - ''Cherry''

Her name is Cherry
We've just met
But already she knows me better than you
She understands me
After eighteen years
And you still don't see me like you ought to do

Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
While I love her every sound
I don't know how to turn you down

And you're so thick and my patience is thin
So I got me a new best friend
With a pickup that puts you to shame
And Cherry is her name

And when I'm lonely
Cherry's there
And she plays along while I sing out my blues
I could be crying
And you don't care
You won't call me back you're stubborn as a mule

Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
You might think I've gone too far
I'm talking 'bout my new guitar

Hello friends of Hive Music Festival! I am excited now to be part of this
great fun and creative community! My name is Amaretta and this is my first
time participating in this space! A very good friend @yusaymon told me about doing
songs here, so I decided to take my first step with this beautiful song
called Cherry by Amy Winehouse! A great inspiration in my musical path,
Thanks to her music I learned to play the guitar and in fact, my grandmother gave me a guitar that I called Rosada, in honor of the guitar in this song that
Amy named Cherry, a guitar to which Amy sings and tells her that she knows her very well, more than anyone around.

![WhatsApp Image 2024-01-04 at 21.25.28.jpeg] (http://)

Here I leave you a funny photo from when I played with Rosada, I was 18 years old at that time and I worked in Venezuela selling chicha (a typical Venezuelan drink made from rice and milk).

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-05 a la(s) 12.31.49.png

this is a picture of the venezuelan chicha.

It was my first job, and all I wanted was to save money to buy a skateboard and a new guitar. One day I was leaving my shift and my grandmother came to my workplace to look for me, and when I got in the car, there was a guitar inside its lining in the back seat, and when I opened it, it was Rosada! At first I didn't like the color at all, but with her I learned to play this song.

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Matriarca, Rosada and Me

Lately I have had a creative accumulation since I like to do all kinds of artistic expression, such as painting, singing. writing, blogging, encouraging me to create spaces where all my creativity can be of benefit to other people through a very genuine and positive personal enjoyment, which is why I am very grateful for the opportunity to share here with everyone, where I am super excited to meet new people , connect and create a very interesting and above all, creative community! Thank you all for coming here!

Amy Winehouse - ''Cherry''

Her name is Cherry
We've just met
But already she knows me better than you
She understands me
After eighteen years
And you still don't see me like you ought to do

Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
While I love her every sound
I don't know how to turn you down

And you're so thick and my patience is thin
So I got me a new best friend
With a pickup that puts you to shame
And Cherry is her name

And when I'm lonely
Cherry's there
And she plays along while I sing out my blues
I could be crying
And you don't care
You won't call me back you're stubborn as a mule

Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
You might think I've gone too far
I'm talking 'bout my new guitar

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