The Sea, Boats and Lovely Local People - Phuoc Hai Beach, Vung Tau, Vietnam - SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST WEEK 165

Hi all Hivers, how are you today?

Last June, I had the opportunity to visit Phuoc Hai beach, Vung Tau by motorbike. The journey here has been a very wonderful experience. And I am most impressed here not only the very clear sea and unspoiled nature but also the basket boats of the indigenous people


Vung Tau is a very beautiful coastal city, the sea is everywhere. The place I went was not in the city center but the map led me to Phuoc Hai beach, Dat Do district of Vung Tau. On the way, I was very surprised and delighted with the scene that appeared in front of my eyes: one side is a high mountain, the other side is a vast blue sea with fishing boats


In the afternoon, I went to the beach with my best friend to swim at the beach opposite the hotel. This place is extremely peaceful, almost only locals are fishing in the sea. There are very few tourists who come to bathe like us. Perhaps this is the reason why Phuoc Hai beach is clean and unspoiled. I like the scene where people are working, they smile gently and are friendly. The basket boats lying on the sand make for a very attractive photo. The sea water here is very clear and blue, the waves are not too strong, creating a peaceful scene


Around 4 pm, big and small basket boats gather at the beach after a long day of fishing for residents. They are made of wood, painted in the blue of the sea and have the Vietnamese flag on the top of the basket boat. I love to smell the sea through the baskets. There are white magu fishing nets and 2 wooden rowing boats. I captured a few moments while preparing for the sunset. It was a very romantic scene I will never forget



Above is my interesting sea trip. Although it is not the original destination, it is a wild and attractive natural place like paradise. I really look forward to coming back to this place because of the beautiful scenery, the people and the food

This is my entry to sea photography contest #165 theme sea and boats. You can check the detail from @marc-allaria/seaphotography-contest-week-165-theme

Thank you so much for reading my post today. Wish you a day full of joy!

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