My entry for SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - week 153

Hello my dear friends and guests!
This is my entry post for the contest "SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST • WEEK 153"
The theme of this week is "SEA and SUNSETS!".

Here is my photo for this week:


It is very beautiful to watch sunsets on the sea.
At this time, during sunset, nature becomes quieter and calmer.
It's like the sun is telling you, " Whatever happens on this day, the day is over. And tomorrow will be a new day, even better and more successful. Good night"

Очень прекрасно наблюдать закаты на море.
В это время, во время заката солнца, природа становится тише и спокойнее.
Как будто солнце говорит тебе "Что бы не случилось в этот день - день закончился. И завтра будет новый день, еще лучше и удачнее. Спокойной ночи"

I wish you all beautiful sunrises, romantic sunsets and a great mood for all days!

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