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Walking along Byron Bay Beach this morning, I was confronted by a sea crab now the funny thing about this and it was so hilarious because normally when a crab sees a human they do the bolt for the hills at a speed of zero to 100mph in a split second never to be seen again but this particular crab, I not sure what he or she was all about it had no fear at all he or she was definitely an alien crab sent to check out humans behavior he or she didn't even blink an eye he or she just stood still staring me out at first, I thought he or she was dead or on heavy drugs but no he or she was alive just staring me in the eyes with this sort of angry look, I thought any second now and he or she is either going to do the harry holt or take a bit of me but no we just kept staring each other out never have, I ever seen such behavior from a crab his or hers alien jelly eyes were just directly focused on me like John Wayne facing a shoot-out like in the western movies. I just kept thinking to myself is this for real was he or she begging for food or did he or she want me to take him or her home and cook him but no he was just a friendly crab who wanted some attention and have his photo taken to be famous on Hive and he did give me his or her best poses for the audition after the photoshoot we departed ways and he or she just when of in a friendly manner crabbing along the beach to live another day 😂

#seaphotography week #161 by @marc-allaria