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📷 Memories Of A Wonderful Day This Year 🚵 [DE-EN] 🍇

Hello dear,

winter is anything but my favorite season. The nights are long, the days are short, the sun makes itself rare. In the Christmas time this is compensated a little bit by the numerous beautiful Christmas lights. But from January on, the two most unpleasant months in Germany start from my point of view. The longing for warm days then always rises with me into almost immeasurable....


Therefore, I usually start reminiscing in November about the beautiful days of the year just past. For some time now, it has been common practice here in the Tauber valley that every two years during the summer holidays on the main route of the Tauber valley from Freudenberg to Tauberbischofsheim a car-free Sunday takes place - always on the first weekend in August. Also this year I participated together with my descendants.


It was an honour for me to serve as a cycling chauffeur for my two beloved ones. Our destination was the ice cream parlor in Freudenberg am Main, which is the northwestern end of the route. As you can see, the two of them clearly let me know what they thought of a posed photo. A passer-by who was watching this couldn't help smiling.

At this fountain they play every time we go for ice cream. Also this time they animated some other children to join in the water games. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to show photos of this for reasons of data protection.



On the way back, Daddy was allowed to have a short break and the newly rebuilt playground could be inspected and tested for its advantages. I was here as a chronicler and pusher at the swing- ;-)



Daddy didn't have enough after the first stage and had to jet in the opposite direction to Reichholzheim. Haste was called for, because it was shortly before 18.00 o'clock and the first cars were already standing with howling engines in the starting blocks.


On the way home through the forest I could take a snapshot of this Audi GT. This icon of the 80s is now very rarely seen.


All in all, this was another beautiful day, a very beautiful day in my year 2019, which is now on the home stretch. I wish you all a merry, peaceful and blessed Christmas, or alternatively a peaceful contemplative time.

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