Sublime Sunday Remembering Jamaica - by Sunscape


Oh how I miss the warm sunshine with all the recent snowfall. I am fondly remembering some of my travels to the tropics as of late. I am going through hundreds upon hundreds of photos from my trips and saving the best of them.

Today, being #SublimeSunday I thought I would share photos of some of the garden plants at the Couples Tower Isle Resort. I stayed here for 10 days back in 2017 which is located in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

Come follow along as I share some of my favorite ones with you.


The pathways all around the property were these square concrete pavers. In the middle of each one was an imprint of one of the tropical leaves from the resort. I inquired about them and the staff had created them many years ago and they have withstood the test of time.


Here is a close-up view of some of the pavers approaching the spa area. I really love the moss on them giving them a nice aged effect.


This potted fern looked lovely hanging on one of the metal dividers outside the balcony area.


Of course, the tropics would not be the same without an endless amount of Orchids growing everywhere.


The variety of flowers blooming on the different plants really created a spectacular atmosphere. The gardens were well maintained daily as you could always find someone tending to the grounds.


I have never been anywhere that I enjoyed the feeling of paradise more than walking among the tropical plants.


You can get an idea of how beautiful it is with this gorgeous palm surrounded by plants. If you wanted you could sit here in the morning and have a cup of coffee while watching all the birds flying here and there.


Look at how lovely these lime and green foliage plants look in a mass planting. I am so envious and wish I could have something like this at home. But alas, with our winters they would never survive.

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This palm tree was right next to my lounge chair at the small pool outside our room. It was perfect for offering just enough shade so I did not get overly burnt from the hot sun, lol.


Perhaps someday I will get to enjoy another tropical resort vacation and discover some more beautiful flowers and plants. One can only dream, and then it can come true.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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