Vegas pinup workshop!

What’s happening, Hive? I had to take a few days to get things in order with my life and workload. The trip to Pennsylvania was the last disruption to my routine and now that I’m back in Minneapolis, I’m looking to a month of consistency. I spent a lot of time at @caffetto the last two days, catching up with @mada, @tarotbyfergus and even @denno, whom I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. I caught up on quite a few edits from Viva Las Vegas, while getting some illustration finished for @neverwel.

I’ve been getting through the last edits I owe from the dark pinup modeling workshop I did in April with Cervena Fox. We shot at her home with 12 lovely models from all over the country. First, this shot is with Stephany. Without a doubt, the stand out model for me during the whole event. In fact, she’s here in Minneapolis right now and I’ll be shooting with her tomorrow morning. This was the third and final edit from our brief shoot in Vegas, but I’m looking forward to having a couple of hours this weekend.

Venus was another outstanding model from the workshop. Like Stephany, relatively new to the industry but incredibly talented. Being a guest photographer, especially for a sold out event with this many models, I only get about 20 - 30 minutes to capture a few outstanding shots. I wish I had more time, especially with her. The hair and make-up team was outstanding and the space was dark and haunting in the most beautiful way. All of these shoots with Venus are strong.

Lastly, Lenore was a great muse for the evening. A friend of Cervena’s, I was able to create some interesting poses with the candles and skulls on the table. She took great direction and our particular time shooting, the sun was setting casting natural light in direct contrast with the lamps and candles within the set. I love mixing light sources and with camera presence and posing experience of Lenore, this was also a favorite from the whole day. One of those moments I reflect on how lucky I am to have this job.

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