
Litega is a village in Sokolsky district of Vologda region, the administrative center of a Suburban rural settlement. Sokol is 15 km away, the population is almost 800 people.


Litega stands on the banks of the Sukhona River next to the M8 highway and the bridge over the river.

A huge number of times I drove past and looked down from the bridge, thinking how I would walk and take pictures here.

But I got here by accident. Although I don't believe in this accident.

Let me explain. I was going to a completely different place to take pictures and decided to stop by on the way to check out one place.

Although no, I will tell this story in the next post, since this time I start from the end, that is, from the courtyard spaces.

I have always perceived Litega as something boring, ordinary - after all, it is becoming more and more difficult to surprise me with some unusual courtyard spaces.

In such settlements, they are all the same, even despite the proximity to the river or some other features of the geographical location.

Barracks or mini-panels no longer surprise me.

That is why I began to pay more attention to various outbuildings.

And I never thought that the real sur...prize was waiting for me here.

This is a place where I probably won't go back to soak up the atmosphere of the place again, but once was enough to create a powerful memory code.

There are places where I go back again, and here I had enough once, but this time was just amazing and unexpected.

So much for the post-intrigue, what did I find here?..Although it is already so obvious that it is not difficult to guess.

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