Courtyard spaces. Kozlenskaya Street

By the end of the year, I plan to complete the unfinished work on the Courtyard Spaces project, and next year I want to continue studying the outskirts that are part of the city limits. There is still a lot of work!


Repeated passage of the passed places allows you to draw conclusions about their attractiveness.

For example, I already know for sure that I really like Kozlenskaya Street.

There are attractive courtyards along its entire length.

This will be needed for the final report on the courtyard spaces of Vologda.

I went through almost all the places quite well, so I had to work hard to find the ones I didn’t pass.

But still I was able to find and, most importantly, feel the atmosphere of some places.

A very strange, but pleasant feeling when you tell someone that you were here. "And in this place was?". "And I was in this place, as well as in that, that and in general in all the courtyards of the regional center...absolutely in all!"

I'm very curious, is it possible to know all the cities in the world?

Will the human memory be enough to remember all the corners?

And most importantly, are there such people?

I just understand how memory works for spaces.

First, I studied inside and out a small provincial town, and now I know every corner of the city, which is 10 times larger in area.

It turns out that I can study any city in this way and not just one.

Does this mean that human memory has no limits?

Perhaps not everyone is like that. Someone has memory limitations, and someone has a remote server or cloud.

But there are also disadvantages in this: you stop being surprised at places.

And it’s not very interesting to go through the places passed a couple of years ago.

I could have learned everything in six months, but I did it in three, because. everything happened in moderation.

To be continued...

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