Blooming madness-3. Lilac

Lilacs, by the way, have not yet bloomed in places! Although the pictures were taken two and a half weeks ago. This shrub is very widespread throughout the world, is extremely tenacious and has beautiful flowers of white, purple or pink color.

Due to this property, lilac is used for landscaping the urban environment.

If I once photographed apple or bird cherry trees in different plots many times ago, then lilacs appear in my photos for almost the first time.

Of all the flowering trees and shrubs (apple, acacia, bird cherry), photographing the lilac was a definite task.

And if the flowering apple, bird cherry and acacia trees captured without a specific assignment were published as a photo report in the print edition, then the lilacs shot on assignment have not yet entered anywhere.

But I know for sure that one of these frames will be 100% printed in the book.

This is in addition to the word about which of my photographs are working, which are not, which generate income, and which pass by.

I like any lilac, but white looks, in my opinion, less impressive than bright pink.

Although everything looks good against the blue sky!

I was so carried away by photography of lilacs that I even tried to capture the silhouette of the inflorescences.

Oh guys, it's not over yet!

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