Beautiful reportage photography

Reportage photography can be either about a harsh reality without embellishment, or look like a stock beautiful postcard about everyday life.

Both the one and the other type are successfully used for publications in the Internet media and print media.

No wonder I have some kind of unconscious love for yellow lately.

In the near future, if not already, yellow and black colors will be in vogue.

But in photography, all colors are good!

Although for a long time I have not had black in pictures (not to be confused with black and white photography).

But the point of red is a constant rule for art.

A beautiful reportage shot should have a perfect composition and happy young people or middle-aged people.

There should not be any scenes in the picture that can make the viewer doubt happiness and well-being.

These are the easiest photos to take in late spring or early summer.

The hardest part will be in the off-season, when there are puddles and mud around. Then it's time for graphics.

Oh yes, if we talk about graphics, then it’s almost impossible to find it at the beginning of summer.

Although today I came up with a new theme for graphic plots.

The new must always be accepted with dignity, and the old must not be pulled along. Only then will all roads be opened for development.

This also applies to photography! Now I will continue to study a new direction in photography for myself, which I learned about in the spring - full frontal flash - daytime photography with a flash.

Only now will I be shooting landscapes with flash, not street.

The system is now in a material cycle, so my preferences in genres will be different at least until the fall.

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