A Series Of Hive Boobs + Personal Development= "The Hivefies"

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Hi Hivers! So I'm on a mission to bring more beauty, boobs and now personal dev to Hive.

I work with J-Ryze, The Teacher Of Rebels...aka The Self-Help Eminem aka @Ryzeonline

And we spend our time helping people. We help rebels who are crushing business and life...we help them level up because we know everyone can Ryze.

Recently I've gone through a lot of personal transformation. I've had so many dark nights of the soul...I felt like I was living in darkness.

But it didn't last long and Jay really helped me through it.

I realized that there were a lot of things I still needed to learn like....

  1. Asking high value questions will get me closer to the person I want, get some real answers, and make for a great conversation. (I loathe small talk so this one is number one on my list right now).

  2. I control my beliefs, moods, and choices.

  3. Nothing is 'important' - I choose my priorities.

  4. Physics: Every action has a reaction.

  5. Understanding manifestation.

So those are just a few of what I've learned recently. I'm going to do separate posts on each of these.

Do you have thoughts on any of these?

Do you struggle with any of them? Any resonate with you too? I'd love to know.

~Love, Cyn

Thanks Jay for helping me work these out. If anyone is interested in learning more about what we do check us out here-> Ryze

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