200% more views when you use ListNerds?

from the promotional material provided by ListNerds.

Three months ago, I signed up to ListNerds, a content discovery platform on the Hive blockchain, using the basic free subscription. I run the Saturday Savers Club over on the @eddie-earner account (newcomers always welcome). I wanted to see if ListNerds could be a tool to help savers, many of them small and new accounts, to build their HIVE stake and have fun on the way.

The two most important questions for me were:

  • How many extra visitors come from ListNerds?
  • How long are visitors staying on my linked blog posts?

The basic free ListNerds subscription offers:

  • unlimited access to reading emails by content creators and their linked URLs.
  • one email a week to promote your blog.
  • up to four votes a week on other emails.
  • the opportunity to earn rewards for reading and voting and sending emails.

Main Findings

I posted six emails during the three months with the following results:

  • 200%-320% more visits to a linked blog post.
  • 2-5 minutes average time of each visitor.
  • 30% more reblogs
  • 17% more comments (20% if tipping comments are discounted)
  • 11% more upvotes
  • 11 new followers - roughly one a week
  • 2 posts promoted by other ListNerds subscribers (1 x Twitter; 1 x leothreads)

I was pleasantly surprised by how many more visits posts received - much higher than I expected - and by the engagement and additional exposure through reblogs and promotion.

From the results, I would say that ListNerds offers opportunities for Hive accounts and content creators to increase their visibility and, by connecting with more content creators, grow their account. It does take time to learn and there are a lot of resources to help with that.

The Social Side

ListNerds is a social network. It's a lot of fun connecting with new people and interacting with them.

Things ListNerds subscribers have said:

I've got to know some great people using the tool and been introduced to some great communities like the Saturday Savers Club, Hive Chess Club, Hive Business List, CTP and on and on!

what I like most is having content delivered to me without having to look after it.

Listnerds paid my Splinterlands Spellbook.

content and marketing go hand in hand and will always benefit from working together.

Being on this platform since 2017, I build a followers list in where many people are not active anymore, and my feed doesn't always show the most interesting blogs. With Listnerds I get it handed in to my mailbox every day. Quite a change that I really like. Content I would have never seen if it was not for Listnerds.

It makes me interact more with other users.

You can find all these and more in the comments on this post asking Can ListNerds Help to Build Your Hive Account?

One of the many really nice things that happens on ListNerds is that subscribers often curate a post that isn't their own: they curate or present a post by another content creator that brings value to Hive, and is often undervalued itself, to a wider audience. I really like that collaborative endeavour to build the overall value of Hive.

You'll also find links to newsletters about communities and projects on Hive, for example CineTV, with news, commentary and often contests that you can take part in. The newsletters are beguiling, before you know where you are, you are participating. I left a comment on one and won some tokens which was a nice surprise!

Thinking of Subscribing?

Look out for my post about what to look for when you are signing up and how to manage your account during the first few weeks you are a subscriber.

Can ListNerds Help to Build Your Hive Account? on my alt @susie-saver
ListNerds Evaluation August 2022
ListNerds Development September 2022
ListNerds White Paper

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