How do you stand out ??

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For me ‘Standing Out’ is about being consistent, being upfront and being who I am.

My driving motivation isn’t to be the one that ‘Stands out’ My driving motivation is to be a communicator, I love the dissemination of information and especially love the notion of community communication and this for me comes easy and naturally. I see far greater value in community communication than I do in anything else. Being able to share stories with a community, have that reciprocality of sharing and enjoy finding out about others and others finding out about me.

The sharing of how we do things on a daily level is really important and never more so important than it is now during a time where some of us may feel isolated.

We are lucky, we have a great community here on the Blockchain, It is a worldwide community and one that is open and sharing and on the whole caring.

If you really want to ‘Stand Out’ start to engage, set the cogs in motion and put yourself out there,

Start to make comments on other peoples posts. Let them know that you are there and you like what they are writing about, let them know that you can relate to their experience. Let them know that you are participating in the discussion.

Do this every day and before you know it you will be writing your own blog posts and people will be engaging with you, letting you know they like what you write, letting you know they can relate and letting you know they are participating.



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