Always use Your Full Ass and Give 110% 🚀



If you're an achievement hunter and someone who loves new challenges and adventures, you may have stumbled upon the problem of having multiple unfinished projects. I certainly have. Usually I dive into something new head first and learn a bunch of stuff while I'm at it, but once the "newer" things comes along, the process repeats itself, whether anything previous was finished or not. This leaves behind a trail of halflings in eternal progress.

A solution, or rather workaround, we often apply is to hack our way towards the completion of these unfinished tasks, better known as half-assing it. The problem with this is that it's usually not the correct way to do things and might not be sustainable long term. Imagine replacing one of your bad tires with a smaller spare and never replacing that spare with a new original size tire. Technically the problem has been resolved and you can drive your car around. But somewhere in the future that oddly sized tire is going to mess up your axis or what not.

But it could be worse apparently.

This brings us to the title that probably caught your eye. Always use your full ass and give at least 100%. This means focusing on and prioritizing one task before you move to the next one. I find that unnecessarily rushing things in life is not needed to be content and happy. If you have time to do 5 things, but 7 are on your todo list, prioritize 5 and do exactly that amount. Don't try to squeeze the full 7 into a time slot made for 5. Eventually in due time you will get every single thing done, one by one, when are supposed to be. And be sure to always put your whole ass into it and give it all you've got.

What are some of your unfinished projects?

Thanks for stopping by. 🙃

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