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Fake It Until You Make It .:. Is it good or bad?

On the one side, I like popular sayings, but on the other side, I like to find different meanings for them and different approaches... The one that you are seeing in the title is one that you will notice very often on motivational posters, popular literature, etc... Fake it until you make it

We all know the straight (or mainstream) meaning of it, so I will not go into that too much... But, let's try to explain it in the example of a new content creator... You want to start writing/recording blog posts, but you don't know where to begin, and you have a lack of confidence, right mindset... So, you pretend (fake) that you have and just jump into content creation... The main idea is that after some time of "faking it", you will really gain real confidence, an optimistic mindset that will become your quality...

But, there is another side of the coin... It is a kind of trap in some people can fall... When you are faking something, instead of realizing your OWN qualities that you had before, but you weren't aware of, you start to be the "fake" person... You are losing your personal identity and distancing yourself by faking more and more... And that isn't why you begin to do it in the first place... You want to be authentic, you want to be unique, original...

Check out some of my thoughts about it in the video...

Thank you for your valuable time,


Created in

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

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