Curation Trail Attract Whales .:. Why Curation Trail? - Part #2

Welcome to the second part of this mini-series about curation trails... In this series, I will try to explain you better about the benefits of curation trails, and I don't mean specific to the trail that I have created, but in general also...

To understand better what have I meant with this title of attracting whales, I should explain to you a bit about curation rewards and how are they calculated... The bad news is that I don't know the exact formula as it is a kind of variable thing... In the past, the "curation rewards curve" was linear and it was "easier" to know how much is your upvote value...

Today, the "curation rewards curve" isn't linear anymore, which means that your upvote isn't always the same... If you upvote the post which is worth under $2, your upvote will have one value, and if you upvote a post that already has, for example, $10, you upvote value can be double...

The same goes for curation rewards... If you are the last person that has upvoted some post, your curation reward will be under 50% of your upvote value... But, if AFTER your upvote comes some BIG upvote, your curation rewards can be even more than your upvote value... And here we come to the point of this title...

When people see that you have a lot of upvotes (regularly... if you are doing consistently posts) which come after the first 5 minutes, they will pay more attention to you and try to upvote your post BEFORE the curation trail do it... and you will get additional upvotes OUTSIDE your followership, and outside the curation trail...

Check out the video as maybe it will help you in better understanding...

PS. Sorry about the wind in the video...

How can you follow the CTP Curation Trail?

Logging into the website, clicking on the CURATION TRAIL menu on the left sidebar, and searching for a trail named "ph1102.ctptrail" (without @) (or click here, and follow it...

Curation Trail Attract Whales.jpg

In the end, I would like to make an update of my current numbers (September 7st, 2020 - monthly target 85%) on #MyHiveGoals:

HIVE POWER - 16,041 / 20,000    80.20%
CTP POWER - 123,751 / 150,000   82.50%
HIVE Followers - 325 / 333      97.59%
LBRY Followers - 1045 / 1,500   69.67%

Not big movements in the number in the past week, but still better than not moving... The CTP power is moving nicely, HIVE followers number is very close to the goal, and HP is slacking a bit... LBRY followers will not be mentioned at all :)

Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here: @robwillmann/new-challenge-myhivegoals-set-and-achieve-your-goals

Thank you for your time,


Link to my initial post is here

These are my initial (and starting) goals for 2020 on June 1st, 2020 and this #MyHiveGoals Challenge

HIVE POWER - 12,092 / 20,000    60.46%
CTP POWER - 98,148 / 150,000    65.43%
HIVE Followers - 222 / 333      66.67%
LBRY Followers - 648 / 1,500    43.20%

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


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Don't forget to follow, reblog and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can find me on ClickTrackProfit .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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