My Favorite Pet: The Siberian Husky That I Wish I Had

Today I am participating in the contest organized by @mypathtofire please take note this is the second time I am participating in any contest on
Link to the competition article is right here if interested.

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels:

Despite the fact that I have always enjoyed animals, the Siberian husky is by far my favorite. They have lovely fur, charming personality, and are devoted to their owners.

In a neighborhood pet shop when I was a kid, I first saw a Siberian Husky. Their beautiful blue eyes and fluffy white fur drew me in right away. I pleaded with my parents to let me get one, but they refused, saying that there wasn't enough room in the house.
I strongly advise that you give a Siberian Husky serious consideration if you're thinking about getting a dog. They are incredible creatures and make fantastic friends.

Additional information about Siberian huskies is provided below:

  • They come from Russia's Siberia initially.
  • They were bred as working dogs to pull sleds.
    Between 35 and 60 pounds, they are medium-sized dogs.
  • They have a thick double coat of fur that comes in black, white, grey, and other colors, as well as crimson.
  • They are incredibly smart and simple to train.
  • They are renowned for having fun and being affable.
  • Although they are a breed with generally good health, they might be vulnerable to diseases like hip and elbow dysplasia.

A Siberian Husky can be the ideal dog for you if you're seeking a devoted, affectionate, and fun friend.

The reason why I cannot get myself a Siberian Husky is that I do not have enough money with me to afford one. As of the time of writing this article typically a Siberian Husky costs around 600+ dollars in our country Pakistan which is too much for me. I hope someday I will be able to afford this dream pet of mine though.

Usually, I see the Siberian Husky on YouTube videos and I really love them so much.

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