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It's Crypto Mondays - Be Like My Mom!

Crypto Mondays!.png

Note: Apologies for not getting this up on 3speak. Seems to be offline right now so I threw it up on LBRY!

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So something happened today...

That's my mom!

She's 73 years young....And that's here buying her first bit of crypto!

So why did I share this with people on social and talk about it in tonight's episode of Crypto Mondays?

Because what's your excuse....?

She's in this....For the foreseeable future...And has no plans of selling when the markets take a dip.

She's going to dollar cost average into her positions and grow her stacks...Slowly but surely.

Be like my mom ;)

We dive into this amazing story and so much more in tonight's episode....

I hope you enjoy it!