I'm Home!


This will be a pretty short post....

Nothing too earth shattering in it either.

In fact, I am really not sure there is much value in it if you are looking for a tip or trick on how to navigate this blockchain or online business.

Nope, it's just me....Relaxed!

About a month ago, my family and I started to move homes! In all other moves throughout my life, it was all done in one day. Pack up, and then put everything on a truck and unpack that day...

Not this time. In fact, we planned to 'take our time' with this move mainly because our rental lease didn't expire until the end of the month and....Well...We might as well enjoy the rental for a few extra weeks lol

Nah seriously, this was just a long process with a lot of hurdles to climb over...But right now, I'm sitting in my bed on my laptop...Writing this post for you in my new home...

(Of course, posting via Starlink as well...Thanks again Elon!!!)


That's my road.....

It's a long way from where I was laying my head 24 hours ago. And the culture is completely different.

This is rural Alberta life at it's fullest and while it's going to take some getting used to....I'm excited for the changes!

So we're finally home...

We still have a few loose ends to tie up, but from now on....My address is officially...

West Bubble Alberta!!!

Middle of...Nowhere!

And I love it!


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=> Check out the CTP Discord today!

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