My Six Foundational HIVE Ecosystem Go-To's

In general, life for me is borrowing minutes at a time to ensure that I do something on the HIVE blockchain. Anything. Some sort of activity - DAILY, without fail and NO EXCUSES.

I am no different than many other people who have a job to pay bills and have a family to take care of or to share the load with.

In my case, all of the above and with the additional non-negotiable time for fitness. I take an hour of my time six out of seven days a week to workout under the orange lights or if I'm not working out participating in some sort of activity, which usually centers around running outdoors.

Somehow and someway I manage to carve out blocks of time to give to my HIVE activity and a weekly block of sporadic off chain email marketing to build a subscribers list.

There are a handful of reasons why I love this blockchain and community, so the fact that there are a lot of platforms in the HIVE ecosystem that are actually simple for someone like me is a major plus.

I'm also blessed to have full time remote employment well into my second year doing so. Probably, the one good thing that came out of the pandemic for me outside of HIVE.

But, the economy, the markets, recession all the shit that is currently in it's doldrums are having an effect on businesses and in a moment's notice my cushy remote situation could disappear.

I have to be prepared for that shoe to drop and realize that I may have to go back to commuting and not being home as much, not to mention that the remote job is for employers that are nowhere near Florida so I would have to find another job altogether.

So as I'm always trying to stay ahead of the game and to make sure that my HIVE activity stays in tact as well as my long-term goals, planning how to continue staying active on this blockchain is crucial to those long-term goals.

Keeping that possibility in mind that I may have to pivot and not have the luxury of the extra time to put into my HIVE activity, I started thinking about how important some of the daily platforms I use on this blockchain.

As I round out what has become my go-to's and continue to be better at using them and looking to find ways of increasing my activity at each of are six of the, that honestly have become almost natural for me to open up on a daily basis.

The most important thing about the six of these is that I am able to use my phone without having to open up my laptop or sit in front of a computer if worse came to worse.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not there yet and the list could change and why I am emphatically saying foundational.

VEEWS - CONTENT DISCOVERY - this just became part of my six, because it is exactly the type of platform that will allow me to have access to a plethora of HIVE content. As the algorithm evolves it will probably the go to for all my needs on the go. @ctptalk

LEO THREADS - MICRO BLOGGING - at some point, if we want to be true to decentralization and true Web3 we must minimize if not altogether step away from Twitter and ride or die with threads. Short form content for on the go needs is crucial and it's on the blockchain? PRICELESS! @leofinance

LIKETU - SOCIAL IMAGE SHARING - hands down one of my favorite platforms in the ecosystem. It's personal branding on steroids and I don't believe it has scratched the surface on how much impact this platform could be for influencers, photographers, artists and social media addicts. Also, easy to use. @liketu

3SPEAK - VIDEOS - short form or long form for a person on the go without having to go through hoops like fucking YT? No brainer. I'm a novice when it comes to videos. I haven't even come close to delving into it more and I still have had the pleasure of using this platform, using my phone and putting out a few videos - nice and smooth. Perhaps, that actually may increase in usage if I had to go back to commuting lol. @threespeak

ECENCY - TOKENIZED BLOG - talk about on the go! Easy of use is a given, but what I personally love about this blogging platform, it's clean and smooth, especially on mobile. It also has the opportunity for you to get a handful extra set of eyes to your content with what I consider low cost high value attention with their Boost and Promote options. There is no doubt in my mind that if I had to strictly use my phone for my HIVE activity especially creating long form blog posts, that Ecency would be my go to platform. @ecency

HIVE KEYCHAIN - SECURITY - I use it on my laptop and I used it on my phone. Having that layer of protection when I'm using HIVE dApps has allowed me to breathe easier and know that if I am put in a position to rely solely on using HIVE on my phone having access to this non-custodial wallet is a huge sense of relief for me. @keychain

I do have an honorable mention and that is D.BUZZ and I've always had a soft spot for it and because it also serves the micro blogging community, I've tried to go back and see if I can get a better flow of use with it. Sharing content I've discovered on VEEWS on dBuzz has been a good way of picking up the activity there for me. @dbuzz

I'm ecstatic to have access to not only those platforms I've mentioned above, because there are so many more and I do use, but in terms of what may be a future pivot of more activity using HIVE with my phone the above mentioned are what will allow me to remain consistent on this amazing blockchain.


Let's Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

*HIVE Image in the Divider Courtesy of @doze

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