Month End Totals

Woke up this morning to some calmness, since the last couple of days were dominated by strong winds, constant rain and a lot of chatter on air regarding Hurricane Ian.

Honestly, I haven't been further outside than the back of my garage since Tuesday, as we were able to put out the recycling bin for pick up today. A day later than usual.

The temperature was in the sixties and I don't remember it being that cool in months. Central Florida is brutal in the summer and now that it's over I hope we can get more of those 60 to 70 degree weathered days.

Today, was day three without my HIIT workout routine as the fitness studio has been closed for obvious reasons. It wouldn't bother me as much if I hadn't just gotten back after three months of therapy. Yesterday, would have made a month back to working out - officially.

Tiffany and I are scheduled to workout tomorrow, so looking forward to that and always a great way to start the morning and a month.

So, as we end a pretty good month for the most part, not counting how it ended with the weather smack, I continue to be in awe of how our earnings continue to grow on HIVE.

One of the most incredible things about the growth is that it's happening by just remaining consistent, showing up daily and pure effort.

I've been trying to find ways to invest more using fiat, but U.S. regulations has very much fucked things up and have made it way too infuriating to deal with.

When I first started investing in crypto, it was so easy.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll find a way. I still have other options, but until I feel comfortable doing so; it's a no go.

I'm not adverse to buying crypto in the eyes of the powers that be; but I prefer to keep my transactions that will lead to purchases for tokens on HIVE, as private as possible.

Or something like that lol.

I am considering putting a percentage of my 401K into Bitcoin investing, since they are offering that option now.

I do have a Coinbase account and a few others and will eventually settle on one and just see how it goes. I did stake some Ethereum 2 on Coinbase but too little to even follow it intensely.

How did I fare in the month of September 2022?

Growth is the word. Now, it's not about the numbers so much, but the trajectory. Nothing on the list that I consider my main focus are astronomical in amount, but how I am able to see it increase by following the pattern that works is always encouraging.

I won't make 5000HP this year as I hoped; but 4000 will have to be the mark. I should end the year getting over the 1000HBD and I'm lagging on LEO, but that is because I made the push later in the year, but it's what I'm delegating to the most and hopefully that will at least get me to 2000 at about the end of 22 and the start of 23.

I don't beat myself up as much about not being at a certain point with numbers on my HIVE journey, because I've learned the importance of patience and to enjoy the process.

If I break it down to it's essence.

I've been on HIVE for two years, but only fully active without missing a day for about a year and a half. I did make purchases early on to get ahead. I work full time and other things make my time limited, but in the end I grind hard with that limited time to make the most of it on HIVE.

More importantly, I am just a regular guy.

My email marketing is still generating subscribers, but with the very limited time to do that; I am constantly tinkering without making any dramatic changes to it, but I did get another 40 subscribers to my list and it's still morning here and I had just done my Thursday night mail blast. Another two or three should show up by tomorrow.

Since the pivot with my email marketing content focusing on informing subscribers about ListNerds and HIVE a few months ago, the list has grown to:

258 subscribers is not bad, but in all honesty where they are generated at requires a lot more to make a difference in reaching those who actually take action with your communications and content.

It's always a work in progress and I do see flashes of it moving in the right direction, but it's a lot different than offering free advertising on centralized platforms and growing your list by three times as much subscribers.

Have to stay the course.

The revised Lead Capture Page I'm rotating off chain:


Let's Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

*HIVE Image in the Divider Courtesy of @doze

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